R-grDevices.pot の和訳とチェックのページ

以下は R-grDevices.pot の素(粗)訳です。元ファイルと各メッセージのソース部分 を取り出したファイルを添付します.

舟尾 (第一稿 2005.03.26)

末尾にソースを抜き出したものを参考用にそえます。今後残っているものはさらに特殊な知識を必要とするものが多いようなので、ソースとの照合が不可欠になるようなきがします。 間瀬

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: R 2.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bugs@r-project.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-03 12:50\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"


msgid "'bias' must be positive"
msgstr "'bias' は正の値でなければなりません" 

msgid "rgb matrix must be numeric"
msgstr "rgb 行列は数値でなければなりません" 

msgid "rgb matrix must have 3 rows"
msgstr "rgb 行列の行数は 3 行でなければなりません"

msgid "rgb values must be in [0, maxColorValue]"
msgstr "rgb 値の範囲は [0, maxColorValue] でなければなりません"

msgid "'start' and 'end' must be distinct and in [0, 1]."
msgstr "'start' と 'end' の値は別にする必要があり,範囲はどちらも [0, 1] でなければなりません"

msgid "'gamma' must be a scalar or 'sRGB'"
msgstr "'gamma' はスカラーまたは 'sRGB' でなければなりません"

msgid "Color space converter:"
msgstr "Color スペース変換器:"

msgid "Reference white:"
msgstr "白を参照:   ??????????"

msgid "display gamma"
msgstr "ガンマ表示"

msgid "'from' must be a colorConverter or string"
msgstr "'from' は colorConverter または string でなければなりません"

msgid "'to' must be a colorConverter or string"
msgstr "'to' は colorConverter または string でなければなりません"

msgid "'from.ref.white' disagrees with definition of"
msgstr "'from.ref.white' が許容されない定義は"

msgid "'to.ref.white' disagrees with definition of"
msgstr "'to.ref.white' が許容されない定義は"

msgid "color spaces use different reference whites."
msgstr "カラースペース(color spaces)は異なった白の参照が使われていま す   ??????????"

msgid "cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)"
msgstr "デバイス 1 をシャットダウンすることが出来ません(NULL デバイスです)"

msgid "cannot supply which and device at the same time"
msgstr "同時に複数のデバイスを供給することは出来ません   ??????????"

msgid "cannot copy the null device"
msgstr "NULL デバイスをコピーすることは出来ません"

msgid "cannot copy to the null device"
msgstr "NULL デバイスにコピーすることは出来ません"

msgid "cannot copy device to itself"
msgstr "デバイスを同じデバイスにコピーすることは出来ません"

msgid "'device' should be a function"
msgstr "'device' は関数でなければなりません"


msgid "no device to print from"
msgstr "以下からはデバイスをプリントすることが出来ません:"

msgid "can only print from screen device"
msgstr "スクリーンデバイスからしかプリントすることが出来ません"

msgid "dev.control() called without an open graphics device"
msgstr "dev.control() は,グラフィックスデバイスが何も開いていないのに呼び出さ れました" 

msgid "argument is missing with no default"
msgstr "引数はデフォルトなしで欠損となっています"

msgid "invalid arguments in '%s'  (need named args)"
msgstr "'%s' 中の不正な引数です(名前がついた引数が必要です)"

msgid "'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list"
msgstr "'name.opt' は文字型でなければならず,存在するリストの名前でなければなりません"

msgid "cannot reset non-existent '%s'"
msgstr "存在しない '%s' をリセットすることは出来ません"

msgid "invalid options in"
msgstr "不正なオプションです"

msgid "NOT changing"
msgstr "変えてはいけません"

msgid "invalid 'family' argument"
msgstr "不正な 'family' 引数です"

msgid "invalid PDF version"
msgstr "不正な PDF のバージョンです"

msgid "invalid"
msgstr "不正な"

msgid "in PostScript font specification"
msgstr "(PostScript フォントの特定中)"

msgid "font"
msgstr "フォント"

msgid "already in use"
msgstr "既に使われています"

msgid "invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (must be font names)"
msgstr "postscriptFonts 中の不正な引数です(フォント名が必要です)"

msgid "invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (need named args)"
msgstr "postscriptFonts 中の不正な引数です(名前がついた引数が必要です)"

msgid "no current device to record from"
msgstr "現在,以下のものから記録することが出来るデバイスはありません: "

msgid "argument is not of class \"recordedplot\""
msgstr "引数はクラス \"recordedplot\" のものではありません"

msgid "loading snapshot from pre-2.0.0 R version"
msgstr "pre-2.0.0 R バージョンからのスナップショットが読み込まれています"


msgid "loading snapshot from different R version"
msgstr "異なった R バージョンからのスナップショットが読み込まれています"

msgid "'file' is missing with no default"
msgstr "'file' はデフォルトなしで欠損となっています"

msgid "'file' is must be a non-empty character string"
msgstr "'file' は空でない文字列でなければなりません"

msgid "sorry, 'gs' cannot be found"
msgstr "すみません,'gs' が見つかりません"

msgid "device '%s' is not available"
msgstr "デバイス %s は有効ではありません"

msgid "Available devices are %s"
msgstr "有効なデバイスは %s です"

msgid "quartz() device interactivity reduced without an event loop manager"
msgstr "quartz() デバイスは event loop manager なしに双方向的(interactivity)に
        減らされました   ??????????" 

msgid "invalid Quartz font:  must be 4 strings"
msgstr "不正な Quartz font です: 4 つの文字列でなければなりません"

msgid "invalid arguments in quartzFonts (must be font names)"
msgstr "quartzFonts 中の不正な引数です(フォント名が必要です)"

msgid "invalid arguments in quartzFonts (need named args)"
msgstr "quartzFonts 中の不正な引数です(名前がついた引数が必要です)"

msgid "invalid X11 font specification:"
msgstr "不正な X11 フォントの指定方法です"

msgid "invalid arguments in X11Fonts (must be font names)"
msgstr "X11Fonts 中の不正な引数です(フォント名が必要です)"

msgid "invalid arguments in X11Fonts (need named args)"
msgstr "X11Fonts 中の不正な引数です(名前がついた引数が必要です)"

msgid "can only bring windows devices to the front"
msgstr "ウィンドウデバイスは正面にしかもってくることが出来ません"

msgid "no such device"
msgstr "そのようなデバイスはありません"

msgid "can only copy from 'windows' devices"
msgstr "'windows' デバイスからしかコピーできません"

msgid "subscript out of range"
msgstr "添え字が範囲外です"

msgid "invalid Windows font:  must be a single font family name"
msgstr "不正な Windows フォントです: 単一のフォントファミリー名でなければなりません"

msgid "invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (must be font names)"
msgstr "'windowsFonts' 中の不正な引数です(フォント名が必要です)"

msgid "invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (need named args)"
msgstr "'windowsFonts' 中の不正な引数です(名前がついた引数が必要です)"


msgid        "invalid argument name %s in '%s'"
msgid_plural "invalid argument names %s in '%s'"
msgstr[0]    "%2$s 中の %1$s は不正な引数名です"
msgstr[1]    "%2$s 中の %1$s は不正な引数名です"

msgid        "differs between new and previous"
msgid_plural "differ between new and previous"
msgstr[0]    "new と previous で異なります"
msgstr[1]    "new と previous で異なります"


./colorRamp.R-                    interpolate=c("linear","spline"))
./colorRamp.R:  if (bias<=0) stop("'bias' must be positive")
./colorRamp.R-  colors<-t(col2rgb(colors)/255)
./colorRamp.R-  space<-match.arg(space)
./colorRamp.R-  interpolate<-match.arg(interpolate)
./colorstuff.R-    rgb <-
./colorstuff.R-        if(is.null(g) && is.null(b)) as.matrix(r)
./colorstuff.R-        else rbind(r,g,b)
./colorstuff.R:    if(!is.numeric(rgb)) stop("rgb matrix must be numeric")
./colorstuff.R-    d <- dim(rgb)
./colorstuff.R-    if(d[1] != 3) stop("rgb matrix must have 3 rows")
./colorstuff.R-    n <- d[2]
./colorstuff.R-        else rbind(r,g,b)
./colorstuff.R-    if(!is.numeric(rgb)) stop("rgb matrix must be numeric")
./colorstuff.R-    d <- dim(rgb)
./colorstuff.R:    if(d[1] != 3) stop("rgb matrix must have 3 rows")
./colorstuff.R-    n <- d[2]
./colorstuff.R-    if(n == 0)
./colorstuff.R-        return(cbind(c(h=1,s=1,v=1))[,0])
./convertColor.R-        ungamma <- function(x) ifelse(x <= 0.0031308,
./convertColor.R-                                      12.92*x,
./convertColor.R-                                      1.055*x %^% (1/2.4)-0.055)
./convertColor.R:    } else stop("'gamma' must be a scalar or 'sRGB'")
./convertColor.R-    toXYZ <- function(rgb,...) { dogamma(rgb) %*% M }
./convertColor.R-    toRGB <- function(xyz,...) { ungamma(xyz %*% solve(M)) }
./convertColor.R-print.colorConverter <- function(x,...) {
./convertColor.R:    cat(gettext("Color space converter: "), x$name, "\n", sep="")
./convertColor.R-    if (!is.null(x$reference.white))
./convertColor.R-        cat(gettext("Reference white: "), x$reference.white, "\n", sep="")
./convertColor.R-    invisible(x)
./convertColor.R-print.colorConverter <- function(x,...) {
./convertColor.R-    cat(gettext("Color space converter: "), x$name, "\n", sep="")
./convertColor.R-    if (!is.null(x$reference.white))
./convertColor.R:        cat(gettext("Reference white: "), x$reference.white, "\n", sep="")
./convertColor.R-    invisible(x)
./convertColor.R-print.RGBcolorConverter <- function(x,...) {
./convertColor.R-    print.colorConverter(x, ...)
./convertColor.R-    if (!is.null(x$gamma))
./convertColor.R:        cat(gettext("display gamma"), " = ", x$gamma, "\n", sep="")
./convertColor.R-    invisible(x)
./convertColor.R-  if (is.character(from))
./convertColor.R-      from <- colorspaces[[match.arg(from,names(colorspaces))]]
./convertColor.R-  if (!inherits(from,"colorConverter"))
./convertColor.R:      stop("'from' must be a colorConverter or string")
./convertColor.R-  if (is.character(to))
./convertColor.R-      to <- colorspaces[[match.arg(to,names(colorspaces))]]
./convertColor.R-  if (!inherits(to,"colorConverter"))
./convertColor.R-  if (is.character(to))
./convertColor.R-      to <- colorspaces[[match.arg(to,names(colorspaces))]]
./convertColor.R-  if (!inherits(to,"colorConverter"))
./convertColor.R:      stop("'to' must be a colorConverter or string")
./convertColor.R-  ## Need a reference white. If both the definition and the argument
./convertColor.R-  ## specify one they must agree.
./convertColor.R-  if (is.null(from.ref.white))
./convertColor.R-      from.ref.white <- from$white
./convertColor.R-  else if (!is.null(from$white) && from.ref.white != from$white)
./convertColor.R:      stop("'from.ref.white' disagrees with definition of ",from$name)
./convertColor.R-  if (is.null(to.ref.white))
./convertColor.R-      to.ref.white <- to$white
./convertColor.R-  if (is.null(to.ref.white))
./convertColor.R-      to.ref.white <- to$white
./convertColor.R-  else if (!is.null(to$white) && to.ref.white != to$white)
./convertColor.R:      stop("'to.ref.white' disagrees with definition of ",to$name)
./convertColor.R-  if (is.null(to.ref.white) && is.null(from.ref.white))
./convertColor.R-      to.ref.white <- from.ref.white <- "D65"
./convertColor.R-  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(from.ref.white, to.ref.white))) {
./convertColor.R-      mc <- match.call()
./convertColor.R-      if (is.null(mc$from.ref.white) || is.null(mc$to.ref.white))
./convertColor.R:          warning("color spaces use different reference whites.")
./convertColor.R-      xyz <- chromaticAdaptation(xyz, from.ref.white, to.ref.white)
./convertColor.R-  }
./device.R-    function(which = dev.cur())
./device.R-    if(which == 1)
./device.R:	stop("cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)")
./device.R-    .Internal(dev.off(as.integer(which)))
./device.R-    dev.cur()
./device.R-dev.copy <- function(device, ..., which = dev.next())
./device.R-    if(!missing(which) & !missing(device))
./device.R:	stop("cannot supply which and device at the same time")
./device.R-    old.device <- dev.cur()
./device.R-    if(old.device == 1)
./device.R-	stop("cannot copy the null device")
./device.R-	stop("cannot supply which and device at the same time")
./device.R-    old.device <- dev.cur()
./device.R-    if(old.device == 1)
./device.R:	stop("cannot copy the null device")
./device.R-    if(missing(device)) {
./device.R-	if(which == 1)
./device.R-	    stop("cannot copy to the null device")
./device.R-	stop("cannot copy the null device")
./device.R-    if(missing(device)) {
./device.R-	if(which == 1)
./device.R:	    stop("cannot copy to the null device")
./device.R-	else if(which == dev.cur())
./device.R-	    stop("cannot copy device to itself")
./device.R-	dev.set(which)
./device.R-	if(which == 1)
./device.R-	    stop("cannot copy to the null device")
./device.R-	else if(which == dev.cur())
./device.R:	    stop("cannot copy device to itself")
./device.R-	dev.set(which)
./device.R-    }
./device.R-    else {
./device.R-    }
./device.R-    else {
./device.R-	if(!is.function(device))
./device.R:	    stop("'device' should be a function")
./device.R-	else device(...)
./device.R-    }
./device.R-    .Internal(dev.copy(old.device))
./device.R-    current.device <- dev.cur()
./device.R-    nm <- names(current.device)[1]
./device.R:    if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from")
./device.R-    if(!(nm %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))
./device.R-        stop("can only print from screen device")
./device.R-    oc <- match.call()
./device.R-    current.device <- dev.cur()
./device.R-    nm <- names(current.device)[1]
./device.R:    if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from")
./device.R-    if(!(nm %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))
./device.R-        stop("can only print from screen device")
./device.R-    oc <- match.call()
./device.R-    nm <- names(current.device)[1]
./device.R-    if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from")
./device.R-    if(!(nm %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))
./device.R:        stop("can only print from screen device")
./device.R-    oc <- match.call()
./device.R-    oc[[1]] <- as.name("dev.copy")
./device.R-    oc$device <- device
./device.R-    nm <- names(current.device)[1]
./device.R-    if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from")
./device.R-    if(!(nm %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))
./device.R:        stop("can only print from screen device")
./device.R-    oc <- match.call()
./device.R-    oc[[1]] <- as.name("dev.copy")
./device.R-    oc$device <- postscript
./device.R-dev.control <- function(displaylist = c("inhibit", "enable"))
./device.R-    if(dev.cur() <= 1)
./device.R:        stop("dev.control() called without an open graphics device")
./device.R-    if(!missing(displaylist)) {
./device.R-        displaylist <- match.arg(displaylist)
./device.R-	.Internal(dev.control(displaylist == "enable"))
./device.R-    if(!missing(displaylist)) {
./device.R-        displaylist <- match.arg(displaylist)
./device.R-	.Internal(dev.control(displaylist == "enable"))
./device.R:    } else stop("argument is missing with no default")
./device.R-    invisible()
./postscript.R-    lnew <- length(new)
./postscript.R-    if(lnew != length(newnames <- names(new)))
./postscript.R:	stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s'  (need named args)",
./postscript.R-                      deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), domain = NA)
./postscript.R-    if(!is.character(name.opt))
./postscript.R-	stop("'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list")
./postscript.R-	stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s'  (need named args)",
./postscript.R-                      deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), domain = NA)
./postscript.R-    if(!is.character(name.opt))
./postscript.R:	stop("'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list")
./postscript.R-    if(reset) {
./postscript.R-	if(exists(name.opt, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)) {
./postscript.R-	    if(length(utils::find(name.opt)) > 1)
./postscript.R-##-		stop(paste("Cannot reset '", name.opt,
./postscript.R-##-			"'  since it exists only once in search()!\n", sep=""))
./postscript.R:	} else stop(gettextf("cannot reset non-existent '%s'", name.opt),
./postscript.R-                    domain = NA)
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R-    old <- get(name.opt, envir=envir)
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R-    old <- get(name.opt, envir=envir)
./postscript.R-    if(!is.list(old))
./postscript.R:	stop("invalid options in ", sQuote(name.opt))
./postscript.R-    oldnames <- names(old)
./postscript.R-    if(lnew > 0) {
./postscript.R-	matches <- pmatch(newnames, oldnames)
./postscript.R-                                     "differ between new and previous"),
./postscript.R-                            if(any(do.keep)) {
./postscript.R-                                paste("\n\t ==> ",
./postscript.R:                                      gettext("NOT changing "),
./postscript.R-                                      paste(sQuote(names(prev[do.keep])),
./postscript.R-                                            collapse=" & "),
./postscript.R-                                      sep = "")},
./postscript.R-                               "ISOLatin1.enc")
./postscript.R-    if(!missing(family)) {
./postscript.R-        if (!is.character(family) || length(family) != 1)
./postscript.R:            stop("invalid 'family' argument")
./postscript.R-        # If family has been defined as device-independent
./postscript.R-        # R graphics family (i.e., it can be found in postscriptFonts)
./postscript.R-        # then map to postscript font family
./postscript.R-    if (version %in% versions)
./postscript.R-        version <- as.integer(strsplit(version, "[.]")[[1]])
./postscript.R-    else
./postscript.R:        stop("invalid PDF version")
./postscript.R-    .External("PDF",
./postscript.R-              file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg,
./postscript.R-              width, height, old$pointsize, old$onefile, old$pagecentre, title,
./postscript.R-    lnew <- length(new)
./postscript.R-    if(lnew != length(newnames <- names(new)))
./postscript.R:	stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s'  (need named args)",
./postscript.R-                      deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), domain = NA)
./postscript.R-    if(!is.character(name.opt))
./postscript.R-	stop("'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list")
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R-    old <- get(name.opt, envir=envir)
./postscript.R-    if(!is.list(old))
./postscript.R:	stop("invalid options in ", sQuote(name.opt))
./postscript.R-    oldnames <- names(old)
./postscript.R-    if(lnew > 0) {
./postscript.R-	matches <- pmatch(newnames, oldnames)
./postscript.R-	if(any(is.na(matches)))
./postscript.R-	    stop(sprintf(ngettext(as.integer(sum(is.na(matches))),
./postscript.R:                                 "invalid argument name %s in '%s'",
./postscript.R:                                 "invalid argument names %s in '%s'"),
./postscript.R-                         paste(sQuote(newnames[is.na(matches)]),
./postscript.R-                               collapse=", "),
./postscript.R-                         deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))),
./postscript.R-                               "ISOLatin1.enc")
./postscript.R-    if(!missing(family)) {
./postscript.R-        if (!is.character(family) || length(family) != 1)
./postscript.R:            stop("invalid 'family' argument")
./postscript.R-        # If family has been defined as device-independent
./postscript.R-        # R graphics family (i.e., it can be found in postscriptFonts)
./postscript.R-        # then map to postscript font family
./postscript.R-    if (version %in% versions)
./postscript.R-        version <- as.integer(strsplit(version, "[.]")[[1]])
./postscript.R-    else
./postscript.R:        stop("invalid PDF version")
./postscript.R-    .External("PDF",
./postscript.R-              file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg,
./postscript.R-              width, height, old$pointsize, old$onefile, old$pagecentre, title,
./postscript.R-assign(".PostScript.Fonts", list(), envir = .PSenv)
./postscript.R-psFontError <- function(errDesc) {
./postscript.R:    stop("invalid ", errDesc, " in PostScript font specification")
./postscript.R-# Check that the font has the correct structure and information
./postscript.R-        nnames <- length(fontNames)
./postscript.R-        if (nnames == 0) {
./postscript.R-            if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character)))
./postscript.R:                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (must be font names)")
./postscript.R-            else
./postscript.R-                get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)]
./postscript.R-        } else {
./postscript.R-            if (ndots != nnames)
./postscript.R:                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (need named args)")
./postscript.R-            setPSFonts(fonts, fontNames)
./postscript.R-        }
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R-assign(".PostScript.Fonts", list(), envir = .PSenv)
./postscript.R-psFontError <- function(errDesc) {
./postscript.R:    stop("invalid ", errDesc, " in PostScript font specification")
./postscript.R-# Check that the font has the correct structure and information
./Hershey.R-         c("serif", "sans serif", "script",
./Hershey.R-           "gothic english", "gothic german", "gothic italian",
./Hershey.R-           "serif symbol", "sans serif symbol"),
./Hershey.R:         fontindex =
./Hershey.R-         c("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold italic",
./Hershey.R-           "cyrillic", "oblique cyrillic", "EUC"),
./Hershey.R-## List of valid combinations : ../man/Hershey.Rd
./Hershey.R-## *checking* of allowed combinations is done in
./Hershey.R-## (via max{#}) in    FixupVFont() ../../../main/plot.c
./Hershey.R:## The basic "table" really is in  ../../../modules/vfonts/g_fontdb.c
./Hershey.R-         allowed = rbind(cbind(1, 1:8), cbind(2, 1:5), cbind(3,1:4),
./Hershey.R-                         cbind(4:6, 1), cbind(7, 1:5), cbind(8,1:3))
./postscript.R-postscript <- function (file = ifelse(onefile,"Rplots.ps", "Rplot%03d.ps"),
./postscript.R-                        onefile = TRUE, family,
./postscript.R-                        title = "R Graphics Output",
./postscript.R:                        fonts = NULL, ...)
./postscript.R-    new <- list(onefile=onefile, ...)# eval
./postscript.R-    old <- check.options(new = new, envir = .PSenv,
./postscript.R-        } else {
./postscript.R-            # If family has been defined as device-independent
./postscript.R-            # R graphics family (i.e., it can be found in postscriptFonts)
./postscript.R:            # then map to postscript font family
./postscript.R-            if (length(family) == 1) {
./postscript.R-                psFamily <- postscriptFonts(family)[[1]]
./postscript.R-                if (!is.null(psFamily))
./postscript.R-              file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg,
./postscript.R-              old$width, old$height, old$horizontal, old$pointsize,
./postscript.R-              old$onefile, old$pagecentre, old$print.it, old$command,
./postscript.R:              title, fonts, PACKAGE = "grDevices")
./postscript.R-    # if .ps.prolog is searched for and fails, NULL got returned.
./postscript.R-    invisible()
./postscript.R-pdf <- function (file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.pdf", "Rplot%03d.pdf"),
./postscript.R-                 width = 6, height = 6, onefile = TRUE, family,
./postscript.R:                 title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL, version="1.1",
./postscript.R-                 paper = "special", ...)
./postscript.R-    # paper explicit because "special" (not "default") by default
./postscript.R-            stop("invalid 'family' argument")
./postscript.R-        # If family has been defined as device-independent
./postscript.R-        # R graphics family (i.e., it can be found in postscriptFonts)
./postscript.R:        # then map to postscript font family
./postscript.R-        else {
./postscript.R-            psFamily <- postscriptFonts(family)[[1]]
./postscript.R-            if (!is.null(psFamily))
./postscript.R-    .External("PDF",
./postscript.R-              file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg,
./postscript.R-              width, height, old$pointsize, old$onefile, old$pagecentre, title,
./postscript.R:              fonts, version[1], version[2], PACKAGE = "grDevices")
./postscript.R-    invisible()
./postscript.R-"       4 -1 roll lineto  exch 1 index lineto lineto",
./postscript.R-"       closepath clip newpath } def",
./postscript.R-"/rgb { setrgbcolor } def",
./postscript.R:"/s   { scalefont setfont } def")
./postscript.R:# "/R   { /Font1 findfont } def",
./postscript.R:# "/B   { /Font2 findfont } def",
./postscript.R:# "/I   { /Font3 findfont } def",
./postscript.R:# "/BI  { /Font4 findfont } def",
./postscript.R:# "/S   { /Font5 findfont } def",
./postscript.R-# "1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin")
./postscript.R:# PostScript font database
./postscript.R:# Each font family has a name, plus a vector of 4 or 5 directories
./postscript.R:# for font metric afm files
./postscript.R-assign(".PostScript.Fonts", list(), envir = .PSenv)
./postscript.R-psFontError <- function(errDesc) {
./postscript.R:    stop("invalid ", errDesc, " in PostScript font specification")
./postscript.R:# Check that the font has the correct structure and information
./postscript.R-# Already checked that it had a name
./postscript.R:checkPSFont <- function(font) {
./postscript.R:    if (is.null(font$family) || !is.character(font$family))
./postscript.R:        psFontError("font family name")
./postscript.R:    if (is.null(font$metrics) || !is.character(font$metrics) ||
./postscript.R:        length(font$metrics) < 4)
./postscript.R:        psFontError("font metric information")
./postscript.R:        ## Add default symbol font metric if none provided
./postscript.R:    if (length(font$metrics) == 4)
./postscript.R:        font$metrics <- c(font$metrics, "sy______.afm")
./postscript.R:    if (is.null(font$encoding) || !is.character(font$encoding))
./postscript.R:        psFontError("font encoding")
./postscript.R:    font
./postscript.R-checkFontInUse <- function(names) {
./postscript.R-    for (i in names)
./postscript.R-        if (.Call("Type1FontInUse", i, PACKAGE = "grDevices"))
./postscript.R:            stop("font" , i, " already in use")
./postscript.R:setPSFonts <- function(fonts, fontNames) {
./postscript.R:    fonts <- lapply(fonts, checkPSFont)
./postscript.R:    fontDB <- get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)
./postscript.R:    existingFonts <- fontNames %in% names(fontDB)
./postscript.R-    if (sum(existingFonts) > 0) {
./postscript.R:        checkFontInUse(fontNames[existingFonts])
./postscript.R:        fontDB[fontNames[existingFonts]] <- fonts[existingFonts]
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R:    if (sum(existingFonts) < length(fontNames))
./postscript.R:        fontDB <- c(fontDB, fonts[!existingFonts])
./postscript.R:    assign(".PostScript.Fonts", fontDB, envir=.PSenv)
./postscript.R:printFont <- function(font) {
./postscript.R:    paste(font$family, "\n    (", paste(font$metrics, collapse=" "), ")\n",
./postscript.R-          sep="")
./postscript.R:printFonts <- function(fonts) {
./postscript.R:    cat(paste(names(fonts), ": ", unlist(lapply(fonts, printFont)),
./postscript.R-              sep="", collapse=""))
./postscript.R:# If no arguments specified, return entire font database
./postscript.R:# If no named arguments specified, all args should be font names
./postscript.R-# on which to get info from the database
./postscript.R:# Else, must specify new fonts to enter into database (all
./postscript.R:# of which must be valid PostScript font descriptions and
./postscript.R-# all of which must be named args)
./postscript.R-postscriptFonts <- function(...) {
./postscript.R:    ndots <- length(fonts <- list(...))
./postscript.R-    if (ndots == 0)
./postscript.R-        get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)
./postscript.R-    else {
./postscript.R:        fontNames <- names(fonts)
./postscript.R:        nnames <- length(fontNames)
./postscript.R-        if (nnames == 0) {
./postscript.R:            if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character)))
./postscript.R:                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (must be font names)")
./postscript.R-            else
./postscript.R:                get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)]
./postscript.R-        } else {
./postscript.R-            if (ndots != nnames)
./postscript.R-                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (need named args)")
./postscript.R:            setPSFonts(fonts, fontNames)
./postscript.R-        }
./postscript.R-    }
./postscript.R:# Create a valid postscript font description
./postscript.R-postscriptFont <- function(family, metrics, encoding="default") {
./postscript.R-    checkPSFont(list(family=family, metrics=metrics, encoding=encoding))
./postscript.R:postscriptFonts(# Default Serif font is Times
./postscript.R-                serif=postscriptFont("Times",
./postscript.R-                  c("tir_____.afm", "tib_____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "tii_____.afm", "tibi____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "sy______.afm")),
./postscript.R:                # Default Sans Serif font is Helvetica
./postscript.R-                sans=postscriptFont("Helvetica",
./postscript.R-                  c("hv______.afm", "hvb_____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "hvo_____.afm", "hvbo____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "sy______.afm")),
./postscript.R:                # Default Monospace font is Courier
./postscript.R-                mono=postscriptFont("Courier",
./postscript.R-                  c("com_____.afm", "cob_____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "coo_____.afm", "cobo____.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "sy______.afm")),
./postscript.R:                # Default Symbol font is Symbol
./postscript.R-                symbol=postscriptFont("Symbol",
./postscript.R-                  c("sy______.afm", "sy______.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "sy______.afm", "sy______.afm",
./postscript.R-                    "sy______.afm"),
./postscript.R-                  encoding="AdobeSym.enc"),
./postscript.R:                # Remainder are standard Adobe fonts that
./postscript.R-                # should be present on PostScript devices
./postscript.R-                AvantGarde=postscriptFont("AvantGarde",
./postscript.R-                  c("agw_____.afm", "agd_____.afm",
./postscript.R-checkFontInUse <- function(names) {
./postscript.R-    for (i in names)
./postscript.R-        if (.Call("Type1FontInUse", i, PACKAGE = "grDevices"))
./postscript.R:            stop("font" , i, " already in use")
./postscript.R-setPSFonts <- function(fonts, fontNames) {
./postscript.R-        nnames <- length(fontNames)
./postscript.R-        if (nnames == 0) {
./postscript.R-            if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character)))
./postscript.R:                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (must be font names)")
./postscript.R-            else
./postscript.R-                get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)]
./postscript.R-        } else {
./postscript.R-                get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)]
./postscript.R-        } else {
./postscript.R-            if (ndots != nnames)
./postscript.R:                stop("invalid arguments in postscriptFonts (need named args)")
./postscript.R-            setPSFonts(fonts, fontNames)
./postscript.R-        }
./postscript.R-    }
./recordplot.R-recordPlot <- function()
./recordplot.R-    if(dev.cur() == 1)
./recordplot.R:        stop("no current device to record from")
./recordplot.R-    res <- .Internal(getSnapshot())
./recordplot.R-    attr(res, "version") <- rversion()
./recordplot.R-    class(res) <- "recordedplot"
./recordplot.R-    } else {
./recordplot.R-      version <- attr(x, "version")
./recordplot.R-      if (is.null(version))
./recordplot.R:        warning("loading snapshot from pre-2.0.0 R version")
./recordplot.R-      else if (version != rversion())
./recordplot.R-        warning(gettext("loading snapshot from different R version"),
./recordplot.R-                " (", version, ")", domain = NA)
./recordplot.R-      if (is.null(version))
./recordplot.R-        warning("loading snapshot from pre-2.0.0 R version")
./recordplot.R-      else if (version != rversion())
./recordplot.R:        warning(gettext("loading snapshot from different R version"),
./recordplot.R-                " (", version, ")", domain = NA)
./recordplot.R-      .Internal(playSnapshot(x))
./recordplot.R-    }
./postscript.R-	matches <- pmatch(newnames, oldnames)
./postscript.R-	if(any(is.na(matches)))
./postscript.R-	    stop(sprintf(ngettext(as.integer(sum(is.na(matches))),
./postscript.R:                                 "invalid argument name %s in '%s'",
./postscript.R:                                 "invalid argument names %s in '%s'"),
./postscript.R-                         paste(sQuote(newnames[is.na(matches)]),
./postscript.R-                               collapse=", "),
./postscript.R-                         deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))),
./postscript.R-	if(any(is.na(matches)))
./postscript.R-	    stop(sprintf(ngettext(as.integer(sum(is.na(matches))),
./postscript.R-                                 "invalid argument name %s in '%s'",
./postscript.R:                                 "invalid argument names %s in '%s'"),
./postscript.R-                         paste(sQuote(newnames[is.na(matches)]),
./postscript.R-                               collapse=", "),
./postscript.R-                         deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))),
./postscript.R-                                               sep="")),
./postscript.R-                                  collapse=" and "), " ",
./postscript.R-                            ngettext(as.integer(sum(ii)),
./postscript.R:                                     "differs between new and previous",
./postscript.R-                                     "differ between new and previous"),
./postscript.R-                            if(any(do.keep)) {
./postscript.R-                                paste("\n\t ==> ",
./postscript.R-                                  collapse=" and "), " ",
./postscript.R-                            ngettext(as.integer(sum(ii)),
./postscript.R-                                     "differs between new and previous",
./postscript.R:                                     "differ between new and previous"),
./postscript.R-                            if(any(do.keep)) {
./postscript.R-                                paste("\n\t ==> ",
./postscript.R-                                      gettext("NOT changing "),

添付ファイル: fileR-grDevices.pot 1111件 [詳細] fileR-grDevices_050330.pot 961件 [詳細]

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Last-modified: 2023-03-25 (土) 11:19:17