
統計数理研究所の中野さんから頂いたプログラム案です。R に関する様々な話題が紹介されるようです。

 -------------- 申込書 ------------------------------------------
 "Modern statistical visualization and related topics"ワークショップ
 に参加します.ただし,以下で行頭が ( ) となっているところに参加し,
 (X) となっているところは欠席します.
     ( ) 12月11-12日 Workshop
  ( ) 12月11日    懇親会


  --------------- 申込書 終わり ---------------------------------
Workshop on "Modern Statistical Visualization and related topics" (2) 
                   at ISM on 11-12, December 2003

1 1 (Thu) December, 2003 -----------------------------------

  9:20 - 9:30  Genshiro Kitagawa (Director-General of ISM)

      Opening address
  9:30 - 10:40  Ross Ihaka (Auckland University, New Zealand)

     "An introduction to the R project"

      Why R exists
      Origins of the code, New Ideas
      Developement of R core
      Organisation and lack thereof
      The Wider R Community
      The R Foundation
      Issues: Licensing / Support

 10:50 - 12:00  Shigeru Mase (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

     "A personal report on the present status of R systems in Japan"

      R and Japanese users
      R related activities in Japan (Rjp and RjpWiki)
      Translations of documents of R
      Japanese books on R

 13:30 -14:40  Ross Ihaka

     "Scoping in R"
      Lexical Scope.
      How R differs from S.
      Examples of using lexical scope.
      Further scoping issues (Packages, Namespaces, Objects).

 14:50 - 16:00  Daisuke Yokouchi and Ritei Shibata 
        (Keio University, Japan)

    DandD Project:  Enough Description of Data and 
     its Utilization"

 16:10 - 17:20  Paul Murrell (Auckland University, New Zealand)

     "Recent developments in R"

      S4 object system
      Graphics system(s)
      QA tests
      Documentation (vignettes)
      Byte code compiler
      Threading/parallel computing
      Event loops and GUIs
      Database integration.
 18:00 -       Workshop party

12 (Fri) December, 2003 -----------------------------------

  9:30 - 10:40  Paul Murrell

     "R grid graphics"

      What for?
      Concepts in grid graphics

 10:50 - 12:00  Eiji Nakama (Software programmer, Japan)

     "Some problems in Japanizing R"
      R parser for i18n
      R regular expression for i18n
      i18n of X11 functions in R
      i18n of Windows functions in R
      i10n of PostScript functions in R

 13:30 - 14:40  Paul Murrell

     "Current and future directions for R graphics"

      Dynamic graphics
      Display lists
      Integrating graphics systems
      Graphics devices

 14:50 - 16:00  Takeshi Fujiwara (Aoyama gakuin University, Japan)
        and Yoshikazu Yamamoto (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan) 

     "Some aspects of recent Jasp system"

      New Jasp interpreter
      Time series functions in Jasp
      Distributed computing in Jasp

 16:10 - 17:20  Ross Ihaka

     "Directions for R graphics development"
      2d vector extensions
        Polygon operations
        Generalized polygons (holes)
        Cross-hatching and textured fills
        Colour gradients
      Vector extensions to 3d
        Hidden line/surface elimination (BSP Trees)
      Perceptually based colour descriptions
      Interactive graphics
        GGobi, RGL, iPlots
      Graphics, Guis and Threading (short)

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Last-modified: 2023-03-25 (土) 11:19:17