パッケージ 'graphics' の情報 


Package:       graphics
Version:       2.10.0
Priority:      base
Title:         The R Graphics Package
Author:        R Development Core Team and contributors worldwide
Maintainer:    R Core Team <R-core@r-project.org>
Description:   R functions for base graphics
Imports:       grDevices
License:       Part of R 2.10.0
Built:         R 2.10.0; ; 2009-10-13 06:24:22 UTC; unix

graphics-package        The R Graphics Package
Axis                    Generic function to add an Axis to a Plot
abline                  直線を描く;Add Straight Lines to a Plot
arrows                  矢印を描く;Add Arrows to a Plot
assocplot               Association Plots
axTicks                 ティックマークの位置を計算する;Compute Axis Tickmark Locations
axis                    軸を描く;Add an Axis to a Plot
axis.POSIXct            Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
barplot                 棒グラフを描く;Bar Plots
box                     図の周囲を描く;Draw a Box around a Plot
boxplot                 ボックス・プロット(箱ひげ図);Box Plots
boxplot.matrix          Draw a Boxplot for each Column (Row) of a Matrix
bxp                     Draw Box Plots from Summaries
cdplot                  Conditional Density Plots
clip                    Set Clipping Region
contour                 Display Contours
coplot                  Conditioning Plots
curve                   Draw Function Plots
dotchart                クリーブランド’ドット・プロット;Cleveland Dot Plots
filled.contour          Level (Contour) Plots
fourfoldplot            Fourfold Plots
frame                   Create / Start a New Plot Frame
grconvertX              Convert between Graphics Coordinate Systems
grid                    グリッド(格子)を描く;Add Grid to a Plot
hist                    ヒストグラムを描く;Histograms
hist.POSIXt             DateやDate-Timeオブジェクトのヒストグラムを描く;Histogram of a Date or Date-Time Object
identify                Identify Points in a Scatter Plot
image                   Display a Color Image
layout                  複数のプロット領域を指定する;Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
legend                  凡例を追加する;Add Legends to Plots
lines                   連結された線分を描く;Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot
locator                 クリックしたx-y座標値を返す;Graphical Input
matplot                 行列の列方向のデータでプロットする;Plot Columns of Matrices
mosaicplot              Mosaic Plots
mtext                   周辺(あるいは任意の位置)に文章(文字列)を描く;Write Text into the Margins of a Plot
pairs                   行列状の散布図;Scatterplot Matrices
panel.smooth            単純なパネルプロット;Simple Panel Plot
par                     グラフィックパラメータの設定と確認;Set or Query Graphical Parameters
persp                   Perspective Plots
pie                     パイ・チャート(円グラフ);Pie Charts
plot                    X-Yプロットの総称関数;Generic X-Y Plotting
plot.data.frame         データフレームのプロット・メソッド;Plot Method for Data Frames
plot.default            デフォルトの散布図描画関数;The Default Scatterplot Function
plot.design             Plot Univariate Effects of a 'Design' or Model
plot.factor             factorの描画;Plotting Factor Variables
plot.formula            モデル式による散布図の描画;Formula Notation for Scatterplots
plot.histogram          ヒストグラムを描く;Plot Histograms
plot.table              'table'オブジェクトのプロット・メソッド;Plot Methods for 'table' Objects
plot.window             Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
plot.xy                 Basic Internal Plot Function
points                  点を描く;Add Points to a Plot
polygon                 多角形を描く;Polygon Drawing
rect                    矩形を描く;Draw One or More Rectangles
rug                     Add a Rug to a Plot
screen                  Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
segments                線分を描く;Add Line Segments to a Plot
smoothScatter           Scatterplots with Smoothed Densities Color Representation
spineplot               Spine Plots and Spinograms
stars                   Star (Spider/Radar) Plots and Segment Diagrams
stem                    Stem-and-Leaf Plots
stripchart              1-D Scatter Plots
strwidth                Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
sunflowerplot           Produce a Sunflower Scatter Plot
symbols                 Draw Symbols (Circles, Squares, Stars, Thermometers, Boxplots) on a Plot
text                    文(文字列)を描く;Add Text to a Plot
title                   タイトルを描く;Plot Annotation
xinch                   Graphical Units
xspline                 Draw an X-spline

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