パッケージ 'methods' の情報 
 Package:       methods
 Version:       2.10.0
 Priority:      base
 Imports:       utils
 Title:         Formal Methods and Classes
 Author:        R Development Core Team
 Maintainer:    R Core Team <R-core@r-project.org>
 Description:   Formally defined methods and classes for R objects, plus
                other programming tools, as described in the reference
 References:    John M. Chambers (2008) ``Software for Data Analysis:
                Programming with R''; Springer NY.
 License:       Part of R 2.10.0
 Built:         R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
                06:24:31 UTC; unix
 .BasicFunsList          List of Builtin and Special Functions
 Classes                 Class Definitions
 Documentation           Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods
 GenericFunctions        Tools for Managing Generic Functions
 LinearMethodsList-class Class "LinearMethodsList"
 MethodDefinition-class  Classes to Represent Method Definitions
 MethodWithNext-class    Class MethodWithNext
 Methods                 General Information on Methods
 MethodsList-class       Class MethodsList, Representation of Methods for a Generic Function
 ObjectsWithPackage-class A Vector of Object Names, with associated Package Names
 S3Part                  S3-style Objects and S4-class Objects
 S4groupGeneric          Group Generic Functions
 SClassExtension-class   Class to Represent Inheritance (Extension) Relations
 as                      Force an Object to Belong to a Class
 callGeneric             Call the Current Generic Function from a Method
 callNextMethod          Call an Inherited Method
 canCoerce               Can an Object be Coerced to a Certain S4 Class?
 cbind2                  Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
 character-class         Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
 classRepresentation-class Class Objects
 classesToAM             Compute an Adjacency Matrix for Superclasses of one or more Class Definitions
 dotsMethods             The Use of "..." in Method Signatures
 environment-class       Class "environment"
 findClass               Computations with Classes
 findMethods             Descriptions of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function
 fixPre1.8               Fix Objects Saved from R Versions Previous to 1.8
 genericFunction-class   Generic Function Objects
 getClass                Get Class Definition
 getMethod               Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
 getPackageName          The Name associated with a Given Package
 hasArg                  Look for an Argument in the Call
 implicitGeneric         Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
 inheritedSlotNames      Names of Slots Inherited From a Super Class
 initialize-methods      Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class
 is                      Is an Object from a Class
 is                      クラスから生成されたオブジェクトかどうかの検査;Is an Object from a Class
 isSealedMethod          Check for a Sealed Method or Class
 language-class          Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects
 makeClassRepresentation Create a Class Definition
 method.skeleton         Create a Skeleton File for a New Method
 methods-deprecated      Deprecated Functions in Methods package
 methods-package         Formal Methods and Classes
 new                     Generate an Object from a Class
 new                     クラスからオブジェクトを生成する;Generate an Object from a Class
 nonStructure-class      A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
 promptClass             Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Formal Class
 promptMethods           Generate a Shell for Documentation of Formal Methods
 representation          Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition
 selectSuperClasses      Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class
 setClass                Create a Class Definition
 setClassUnion           Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes
 setGeneric              Define a New Generic Function
 setMethod               Create and Save a Method
 setOldClass             Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
 show                    Show an Object
 show                    オブジェクトを表示する;Show an Object
 showMethods             Show all the methods for the specified function(s)
 signature-class         Class "signature" For Method Definitions
 slot                    The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
 structure-class         Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
 testInheritedMethods    Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods
 traceable-class         Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
 validObject             Test the Validity of an Object

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