] [
* Japanese translation to R message and GUI
This page is placed with the intention of working to translate R's message texts and GUI menus to Japanese.
(For convenience with non-Japanese speakers, please use English in editing this page.)
** References
- R Translation Teams : http://developer.r-project.org/TranslationTeams.html
- Translating R Messages : http://developer.r-project.org/Translations.html
** Main Messages and Packages' Messages
- Working with [[pootle:http://translate.sourceforge.net/]] : http://pootle.okada.jp.org/
- Translation updates for R-2.2.1 is finished
- Latest product : [[Snapshot created by pootle:http://pootle.okada.jp.org/ja/R/R-ja.zip]]
Products for R 2.1.1(OLD):
- main: &ref(ja.po);
- package: http://www.okada.jp.org/~mokada/R/messages/
Products for R 2.1.0(OLD):
- base: &ref(R-base-ja.po);
- grDevices: &ref(R-grDevices-ja.po);
- graphics: &ref(R-graphics-ja.po);
- grid: &ref(R-grid-ja.po); , &ref(grid-ja.po);
- stats: &ref(R-stats-ja.po); , &ref(stats-ja.po);
- stats4: &ref(R-stats4-ja.po);
- tcltk: &ref(R-tcltk-ja.po);
- tools: &ref(tools-ja.po);
- splines: &ref(R-splines-ja.po); , &ref(splines-ja.po);
** Documents
- Translation of official documents by Shigeru Mase : http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~mase/R.html
-- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/manuals-jp
- R Help documents by Shigeru Mase : http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~mase/mase/html.jp/temp/
** GUI
- Rcmdr menu text (ver 0.9-18) by aki : http://www.okada.jp.org/RWiki/index.php?Rcmdr%a5%e1%a5%cb%a5%e5%a1%bc%c6%fc%cb%dc%b8%ec%b2%bd
- Rcmdr menu text and messages (ver 1.0-2) by Takaharu Araki :
- R for Windows (RGui.pot) : Working by Nobuo Funao
-- Latest product(updated on Mar 18): &ref(RGui_jp.po);
-- Screenshot : http://r.nakama.ne.jp/Ri18n/R-screenshot-ja.jpg
- R for MacOS X Aqua GUI (ver 2.0.1) by Masafumi Okada (merged to svn repository of MacOS X GUI code): http://www.okada.jp.org/~mokada/RMacJapanese/Japanese.lproj.tgz
-- Screenshot: &ref(RScreenSnapz001.jpg); &ref(RScreenSnapz003.jpg);
* Japanese translation to R message and GUI
This page is placed with the intention of working to translate R's message texts and GUI menus to Japanese.
(For convenience with non-Japanese speakers, please use English in editing this page.)
** References
- R Translation Teams : http://developer.r-project.org/TranslationTeams.html
- Translating R Messages : http://developer.r-project.org/Translations.html
** Main Messages and Packages' Messages
- Working with [[pootle:http://translate.sourceforge.net/]] : http://pootle.okada.jp.org/
- Translation updates for R-2.2.1 is finished
- Latest product : [[Snapshot created by pootle:http://pootle.okada.jp.org/ja/R/R-ja.zip]]
Products for R 2.1.1(OLD):
- main: &ref(ja.po);
- package: http://www.okada.jp.org/~mokada/R/messages/
Products for R 2.1.0(OLD):
- base: &ref(R-base-ja.po);
- grDevices: &ref(R-grDevices-ja.po);
- graphics: &ref(R-graphics-ja.po);
- grid: &ref(R-grid-ja.po); , &ref(grid-ja.po);
- stats: &ref(R-stats-ja.po); , &ref(stats-ja.po);
- stats4: &ref(R-stats4-ja.po);
- tcltk: &ref(R-tcltk-ja.po);
- tools: &ref(tools-ja.po);
- splines: &ref(R-splines-ja.po); , &ref(splines-ja.po);
** Documents
- Translation of official documents by Shigeru Mase : http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~mase/R.html
-- CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/manuals-jp
- R Help documents by Shigeru Mase : http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~mase/mase/html.jp/temp/
** GUI
- Rcmdr menu text (ver 0.9-18) by aki : http://www.okada.jp.org/RWiki/index.php?Rcmdr%a5%e1%a5%cb%a5%e5%a1%bc%c6%fc%cb%dc%b8%ec%b2%bd
- Rcmdr menu text and messages (ver 1.0-2) by Takaharu Araki :
- R for Windows (RGui.pot) : Working by Nobuo Funao
-- Latest product(updated on Mar 18): &ref(RGui_jp.po);
-- Screenshot : http://r.nakama.ne.jp/Ri18n/R-screenshot-ja.jpg
- R for MacOS X Aqua GUI (ver 2.0.1) by Masafumi Okada (merged to svn repository of MacOS X GUI code): http://www.okada.jp.org/~mokada/RMacJapanese/Japanese.lproj.tgz
-- Screenshot: &ref(RScreenSnapz001.jpg); &ref(RScreenSnapz003.jpg);