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統計数理研究所の中野です。この11月と12月に"Modern statistical
visualization and related topics"と題して2回のワークショップを統計数理
1回目は11月13‐14日に Antony Unwin (Germany), Moon Yul Huh (Korea)
2回目は12月11‐12日に New Zealand からフリーの統計ソフトウエア
R の開発メンバーである Ross Ihaka と Paul Murrell に来ていただきます.
-------------- 申込書 ------------------------------------------
"Modern statistical visualization and related topics"ワークショップ
に参加します.ただし,以下で行頭が ( ) となっているところに参加し,
(X) となっているところは欠席します.
( ) 11月13-14日 Workshop
( ) 11月13日 懇親会
( ) 12月11-12日 Workshop
( ) 12月11日 懇親会
--------------- 申込書 終わり ---------------------------------
中野純司(統計数理研究所) nakanoj@ism.ac.jp
Workshop on "Modern statistical visualization and related topics" (1) at ISM on 13-14, November 2003
13 (Thu) November, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:20 - 9:30 Genshiro Kitagawa (Director-General of ISM)
Opening address
9:30 - 10:40 Antony Unwin (Augsburg University, Germany)
"Exploratory Data Analysis and Interactive Graphics"
Much has been written about statistics, but very little about
data analysis. In the past it was difficult to do more than
list some general principles. Interactive graphics are ideal
for exploratory data analysis, when they are intuitive, flexible
and fast. The basic interactive requirements for a plot are
outlined followed by discussion of specific additions for
individual plots. The ideas are illustrated using many examples.
10:50 - 12:00 Moon Yul Huh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
"Overview of data visualization"
13:30 - 14:40 Junji Nakano (ISM, Japan)
"Parallel computing in Statistics: Review"
Parallel architectures
Methods of parallel programming
Fork, Thread
Statistical examples
14:50 - 16:00 Antony Unwin
"Variations on Mosaic plots"
Classical mosaic plots are quite effective for multivariate
categorical data, but there are several alternative forms which
make them even more powerful, including same binsize plots,
fluctuation diagrams and doubledecker plots. More research is
needed on which plot is best when and this topic will be
explored using a number of applications.
16:10 - 17:20 Ikunori Kobayashi (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan)
"Data mining functions in Jasp"
Weka: Free data mining software in Java
Using Weka functions from Jasp
18:00 - Workshop party
14 (Fri) November, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:30 - 10:40 Moon Yul Huh
"Data reduction for data visualization"
10:50 - 12:00 Antony Unwin
"Parallel coordinates and interactivity"
Multivariate data can be displayed in parallel coordinate plots,
but interactivity is needed to get the most information from the
data. Two data sets will be analysed, the results of the
Decathlon competition in the Sydney Olympic Games and a
comparative wine tasting.
13:30 - 14:40 Kenji Satou (JAIST, Japan)
"Grid computing in bioinformatics"
Open Bioinformatics Grid (OBIGrid) is an infrastructure for
accelerating bioinformatics researches which require massive
computing power scattered over the internet. In this talk,
our efforts to facilitate embarrassingly parallel computing
on distributed and heterogeneous machines are presented.
14:50 - 16:00 Antony Unwin
"Specialist visualisation software"
Time series data and spatial data both require displays which
reflect their particular structures. So do market share and
index data. Illustrations using a variety of applications will
show the advantages of specialist treatment for these kinds of
data set.
16:10 - 17:20 Yuichi Mori (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
Yoshiro Yamamoto (Tama University, Japan) and
Hiroshi Yadohisa (Kagoshima University, Japan)
"Data-oriented Statistical System (DoSS@d)"
DoSS@d (Data oriented Statistical System) is a statistical system
based on real data sets and their analyses processes (analysis
stories). This system is constructed mainly to be used for
educational purpose, and it provides not only ordinary database
search system but also online analysis system based on the
attribute and analysis story of each data set.
That is, this project is to cleate a web-base system which
provides a large scale database of contents (related to
statistical education) so that users can utilize it globally and
Workshop on "Modern Statistical Visualization and related topics" (2) at ISM on 11-12, December 2003
11 (Thu) December, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:20 - 9:30 Genshiro Kitagawa (Director-General of ISM)
Opening address
9:30 - 10:40 Ross Ihaka (Auckland University, New Zealand)
"An introduction to the R project"
Why R exists
Origins of the code, New Ideas
Developement of R core
Organisation and lack thereof
The Wider R Community
The R Foundation
Issues: Licensing / Support
10:50 - 12:00 Shigeru Mase (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
"A personal report on the present status of R systems in Japan"
R and Japanese users
R related activities in Japan (Rjp and RjpWiki)
Translations of documents of R
Japanese books on R
13:30 -14:40 Ross Ihaka
"Scoping in R"
Lexical Scope.
How R differs from S.
Examples of using lexical scope.
Further scoping issues (Packages, Namespaces, Objects).
14:50 - 16:00 Daisuke Yokouchi and Ritei Shibata
(Keio University, Japan)
DandD Project: Enough Description of Data and
its Utilization"
16:10 - 17:20 Paul Murrell (Auckland University, New Zealand)
"Recent developments in R"
S4 object system
Graphics system(s)
QA tests
Documentation (vignettes)
Byte code compiler
Threading/parallel computing
Event loops and GUIs
Database integration.
18:00 - Workshop party
12 (Fri) December, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:30 - 10:40 Paul Murrell
"R grid graphics"
What for?
Concepts in grid graphics
10:50 - 12:00 Eiji Nakama (Software programmer, Japan)
"Some problems in Japanizing R"
R parser for i18n
R regular expression for i18n
i18n of X11 functions in R
i18n of Windows functions in R
i10n of PostScript functions in R
13:30 - 14:40 Paul Murrell
"Current and future directions for R graphics"
Dynamic graphics
Display lists
Integrating graphics systems
Graphics devices
14:50 - 16:00 Takeshi Fujiwara (Aoyama gakuin University, Japan)
and Yoshikazu Yamamoto (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan)
"Some aspects of recent Jasp system"
New Jasp interpreter
Time series functions in Jasp
Distributed computing in Jasp
16:10 - 17:20 Ross Ihaka
"Directions for R graphics development"
2d vector extensions
Polygon operations
Generalized polygons (holes)
Cross-hatching and textured fills
Colour gradients
Vector extensions to 3d
Hidden line/surface elimination (BSP Trees)
Perceptually based colour descriptions
Interactive graphics
GGobi, RGL, iPlots
Graphics, Guis and Threading (short)
統計数理研究所の中野です。この11月と12月に"Modern statistical
visualization and related topics"と題して2回のワークショップを統計数理
1回目は11月13‐14日に Antony Unwin (Germany), Moon Yul Huh (Korea)
2回目は12月11‐12日に New Zealand からフリーの統計ソフトウエア
R の開発メンバーである Ross Ihaka と Paul Murrell に来ていただきます.
-------------- 申込書 ------------------------------------------
"Modern statistical visualization and related topics"ワークショップ
に参加します.ただし,以下で行頭が ( ) となっているところに参加し,
(X) となっているところは欠席します.
( ) 11月13-14日 Workshop
( ) 11月13日 懇親会
( ) 12月11-12日 Workshop
( ) 12月11日 懇親会
--------------- 申込書 終わり ---------------------------------
中野純司(統計数理研究所) nakanoj@ism.ac.jp
Workshop on "Modern statistical visualization and related topics" (1) at ISM on 13-14, November 2003
13 (Thu) November, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:20 - 9:30 Genshiro Kitagawa (Director-General of ISM)
Opening address
9:30 - 10:40 Antony Unwin (Augsburg University, Germany)
"Exploratory Data Analysis and Interactive Graphics"
Much has been written about statistics, but very little about
data analysis. In the past it was difficult to do more than
list some general principles. Interactive graphics are ideal
for exploratory data analysis, when they are intuitive, flexible
and fast. The basic interactive requirements for a plot are
outlined followed by discussion of specific additions for
individual plots. The ideas are illustrated using many examples.
10:50 - 12:00 Moon Yul Huh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
"Overview of data visualization"
13:30 - 14:40 Junji Nakano (ISM, Japan)
"Parallel computing in Statistics: Review"
Parallel architectures
Methods of parallel programming
Fork, Thread
Statistical examples
14:50 - 16:00 Antony Unwin
"Variations on Mosaic plots"
Classical mosaic plots are quite effective for multivariate
categorical data, but there are several alternative forms which
make them even more powerful, including same binsize plots,
fluctuation diagrams and doubledecker plots. More research is
needed on which plot is best when and this topic will be
explored using a number of applications.
16:10 - 17:20 Ikunori Kobayashi (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan)
"Data mining functions in Jasp"
Weka: Free data mining software in Java
Using Weka functions from Jasp
18:00 - Workshop party
14 (Fri) November, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:30 - 10:40 Moon Yul Huh
"Data reduction for data visualization"
10:50 - 12:00 Antony Unwin
"Parallel coordinates and interactivity"
Multivariate data can be displayed in parallel coordinate plots,
but interactivity is needed to get the most information from the
data. Two data sets will be analysed, the results of the
Decathlon competition in the Sydney Olympic Games and a
comparative wine tasting.
13:30 - 14:40 Kenji Satou (JAIST, Japan)
"Grid computing in bioinformatics"
Open Bioinformatics Grid (OBIGrid) is an infrastructure for
accelerating bioinformatics researches which require massive
computing power scattered over the internet. In this talk,
our efforts to facilitate embarrassingly parallel computing
on distributed and heterogeneous machines are presented.
14:50 - 16:00 Antony Unwin
"Specialist visualisation software"
Time series data and spatial data both require displays which
reflect their particular structures. So do market share and
index data. Illustrations using a variety of applications will
show the advantages of specialist treatment for these kinds of
data set.
16:10 - 17:20 Yuichi Mori (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
Yoshiro Yamamoto (Tama University, Japan) and
Hiroshi Yadohisa (Kagoshima University, Japan)
"Data-oriented Statistical System (DoSS@d)"
DoSS@d (Data oriented Statistical System) is a statistical system
based on real data sets and their analyses processes (analysis
stories). This system is constructed mainly to be used for
educational purpose, and it provides not only ordinary database
search system but also online analysis system based on the
attribute and analysis story of each data set.
That is, this project is to cleate a web-base system which
provides a large scale database of contents (related to
statistical education) so that users can utilize it globally and
Workshop on "Modern Statistical Visualization and related topics" (2) at ISM on 11-12, December 2003
11 (Thu) December, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:20 - 9:30 Genshiro Kitagawa (Director-General of ISM)
Opening address
9:30 - 10:40 Ross Ihaka (Auckland University, New Zealand)
"An introduction to the R project"
Why R exists
Origins of the code, New Ideas
Developement of R core
Organisation and lack thereof
The Wider R Community
The R Foundation
Issues: Licensing / Support
10:50 - 12:00 Shigeru Mase (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
"A personal report on the present status of R systems in Japan"
R and Japanese users
R related activities in Japan (Rjp and RjpWiki)
Translations of documents of R
Japanese books on R
13:30 -14:40 Ross Ihaka
"Scoping in R"
Lexical Scope.
How R differs from S.
Examples of using lexical scope.
Further scoping issues (Packages, Namespaces, Objects).
14:50 - 16:00 Daisuke Yokouchi and Ritei Shibata
(Keio University, Japan)
DandD Project: Enough Description of Data and
its Utilization"
16:10 - 17:20 Paul Murrell (Auckland University, New Zealand)
"Recent developments in R"
S4 object system
Graphics system(s)
QA tests
Documentation (vignettes)
Byte code compiler
Threading/parallel computing
Event loops and GUIs
Database integration.
18:00 - Workshop party
12 (Fri) December, 2003 -----------------------------------
9:30 - 10:40 Paul Murrell
"R grid graphics"
What for?
Concepts in grid graphics
10:50 - 12:00 Eiji Nakama (Software programmer, Japan)
"Some problems in Japanizing R"
R parser for i18n
R regular expression for i18n
i18n of X11 functions in R
i18n of Windows functions in R
i10n of PostScript functions in R
13:30 - 14:40 Paul Murrell
"Current and future directions for R graphics"
Dynamic graphics
Display lists
Integrating graphics systems
Graphics devices
14:50 - 16:00 Takeshi Fujiwara (Aoyama gakuin University, Japan)
and Yoshikazu Yamamoto (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan)
"Some aspects of recent Jasp system"
New Jasp interpreter
Time series functions in Jasp
Distributed computing in Jasp
16:10 - 17:20 Ross Ihaka
"Directions for R graphics development"
2d vector extensions
Polygon operations
Generalized polygons (holes)
Cross-hatching and textured fills
Colour gradients
Vector extensions to 3d
Hidden line/surface elimination (BSP Trees)
Perceptually based colour descriptions
Interactive graphics
GGobi, RGL, iPlots
Graphics, Guis and Threading (short)