パッケージ 'Matrix' の情報
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パッケージ 'Matrix' の情報
Package: Matrix
Version: 0.999375-31
Date: 2009-10-06
Priority: recommended
Title: Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
Author: Douglas Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu> and Martin
Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Maintainer: Doug and Martin <Matrix-authors@R-project.org>
Description: Classes and methods for dense and sparse matrices
and operations on them using Lapack and
Depends: R (>= 2.9.0), stats, methods, utils, lattice
Imports: graphics, lattice, grid, stats
Enhances: graph, SparseM
SystemRequirements: GNU make
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: no
LazyDataNote: no longer available, since we use data/*.R *and*
our classes
License: GPL (>= 2)
LicenseDetails: The Matrix package includes libraries AMD,
CHOLMOD, COLAMD, CSparse and SPQR from the
SuiteSparse collection of Tim Davis. All
sections of that code are covered by the GPL or
LGPL licenses. See the directory doc/UFsparse
for details.
Packaged: 2009-10-06 09:37:53 UTC; maechler
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-10-08 12:40:36
Built: R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
06:25:08 UTC; unix
Matrix Construct a Classed Matrix
BunchKaufman-methods Bunch-Kaufman Decomposition Methods
CAex Albers' example Matrix with "Difficult" Eigen Factorization
CHMfactor-class CHOLMOD-based Cholesky Factorizations
Cholesky Cholesky Decomposition of a Sparse Matrix
Cholesky-class Cholesky and Bunch-Kaufman Decompositions
CsparseMatrix-class Class "CsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed Form
Diagonal 様々な'対角行列'を作る;Create Diagonal Matrix Object
Hilbert ヒルベルト行列を作る;Generate a Hilbert matrix
KNex Koenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector
LU-class LU (dense) Matrix Decompositions
Matrix-class Virtual Class "Matrix" Class of Matrices
MatrixFactorization-class Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
RsparseMatrix-class Class "RsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed Form
Schur Schur Decomposition of a Matrix
Schur-class Class "Schur" of Schur Matrix Factorizations
SparseM-coerce-methods Sparse Matrix Coercion from and to those from package "SparseM"
TsparseMatrix-class Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form
USCounties USCounties Contiguity Matrix
[-methods Methods for "[": Extraction or Subsetting in Package 'Matrix'
[<--methods Methods for "[<-" - Assigning to Subsets for 'Matrix'
all-methods "Matrix" Methods for Functions all() and any()
all.equal-methods Matrix Methods for Function all.equal()
atomicVector-class Virtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors
band Extract bands of a matrix
bandSparse Construct Sparse Banded Matrix from (Sup-/Super-) Diagonals
bdiag Construct a Block Diagonal Matrix
cBind Versions of 'cbind' and 'rbind' recursively built on cbind2/rbind2
chol Choleski Decomposition - 'Matrix' S4 Generic
chol2inv-methods Inverse from Choleski or QR Decomposition -- Matrix Methods
colSums Form Row and Column Sums and Means
compMatrix-class Class "compMatrix" of Composite (Factorizable) Matrices
contr.helmert Contrast Matrices, Optionally Sparse
dMatrix-class (Virtual) Class "dMatrix" of "double" Matrices
ddenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ddenseMatrix" of Numeric Dense Matrices
ddiMatrix-class Class "ddiMatrix" of Diagonal Numeric Matrices
denseMatrix-class Virtual Class "denseMatrix" of All Dense Matrices
dgCMatrix-class Compressed, sparse, column-oriented numeric matrices
dgRMatrix-class Sparse Compressed, Row-oriented Numeric Matrices
dgTMatrix-class Sparse matrices in triplet form
dgeMatrix-class Class "dgeMatrix" of Dense Numeric (S4 Class) Matrices
diagonalMatrix-class Class "diagonalMatrix" of Diagonal Matrices
dpoMatrix-class Positive Semi-definite Dense Numeric Matrices
drop0 Drop "Explicit Zeroes" from a Sparse Matrix
dsCMatrix-class Numeric Symmetric Sparse (column compressed) Matrices
dsRMatrix-class Symmetric Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
dsparseMatrix-class Virtual Class "dsparseMatrix" of Numeric Sparse Matrices
dsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Numeric Matrices
dtCMatrix-class Triangular, (compressed) sparse column matrices
dtRMatrix-class Triangular Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
dtpMatrix-class Packed triangular dense matrices
dtrMatrix-class Triangular, dense, numeric matrices
expand Expand a Decomposition into Factors
expm Matrix Exponential
facmul Multiplication by Decomposition Factors
forceSymmetric Force a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks
generalMatrix-class Class "generalMatrix" of General Matrices
iMatrix-class Virtual Classes Not Yet Really Implemented and Used
image-methods Methods for image() in Package 'Matrix'
index-class Virtual Class "index" - Simple Class for Matrix Indices
is.na-methods is.na() Methods for 'Matrix' Objects
isSymmetric-methods Methods for Function isSymmetric in Package 'Matrix'
kronecker-methods Methods for Function 'kronecker()' in Package 'Matrix'
ldenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ldenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
ldiMatrix-class Class "ldiMatrix" of Diagonal Logical Matrices
lgeMatrix-class Class "lgeMatrix" of General Dense Logical Matrices
lsparseMatrix-class Sparse logical matrices
lsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Logical Matrices
ltrMatrix-class Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
lu Triangular Decomposition of a Square Matrix
nMatrix-class Class "nMatrix" of Non-zero Pattern Matrices
ndenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ndenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
nearPD Nearest Matrix to a Positive Definite Matrix
ngeMatrix-class Class "ngeMatrix" of General Dense Nonzero-pattern Matrices
nnzero The Number of Non-Zero Values of a Matrix
norm Matrix Norms
nsparseMatrix-class Sparse "pattern" Matrices
nsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Nonzero-Pattern Matrices
ntrMatrix-class Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
number-class Class "number" of Possibly Complex Numbers
pMatrix-class Permutation matrices
printSpMatrix Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly
qr-methods QR Decomposition -- S4 Methods and Generic
rankMatrix 行列の階数;Rank of a Matrix
rcond Estimate the Reciprocal Condition Number
readHB Read and write external matrix formats
replValue-class Virtual Class "replValue" - Simple Class for subassignment Values
spMatrix Sparse Matrix Constructor From Triplet
sparse.model.matrix Construct Sparse Design / Model Matrices
sparseLU-class Sparse LU decomposition of a square sparse matrix
sparseMatrix General Sparse Matrix Construction from Nonzero Entries
sparseMatrix-class Virtual Class "sparseMatrix" -- Mother of Sparse Matrices
sparseQR-class Sparse QR decomposition of a sparse matrix
sparseVector-class Sparse Vector Classes
symmetricMatrix-class Virtual Class of Symmetric Matrices in package:Matrix
symmpart Symmetric Part and Skew(symmetric) Part of a Matrix
tcrossprod Cross-product of transpose
triangularMatrix-class Virtual Class of Triangular Matrices in package:Matrix
unpack Full Storage Representation of Packed Matrices
xtabs Cross Tabulation, Optionally Sparse
Comparisons: Comparisons of Least Squares calculation speeds (source,
Design-issues: Design Issues in Matrix package Development (source,
Intro2Matrix: 2nd Introduction to the Matrix Package (source, pdf)
Introduction: Introduction to the Matrix Package (source, pdf)
sparseModels: Sparse Model Matrices (source, pdf)
パッケージ 'Matrix' の情報
Package: Matrix
Version: 0.999375-31
Date: 2009-10-06
Priority: recommended
Title: Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
Author: Douglas Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu> and Martin
Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
Maintainer: Doug and Martin <Matrix-authors@R-project.org>
Description: Classes and methods for dense and sparse matrices
and operations on them using Lapack and
Depends: R (>= 2.9.0), stats, methods, utils, lattice
Imports: graphics, lattice, grid, stats
Enhances: graph, SparseM
SystemRequirements: GNU make
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: no
LazyDataNote: no longer available, since we use data/*.R *and*
our classes
License: GPL (>= 2)
LicenseDetails: The Matrix package includes libraries AMD,
CHOLMOD, COLAMD, CSparse and SPQR from the
SuiteSparse collection of Tim Davis. All
sections of that code are covered by the GPL or
LGPL licenses. See the directory doc/UFsparse
for details.
Packaged: 2009-10-06 09:37:53 UTC; maechler
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-10-08 12:40:36
Built: R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
06:25:08 UTC; unix
Matrix Construct a Classed Matrix
BunchKaufman-methods Bunch-Kaufman Decomposition Methods
CAex Albers' example Matrix with "Difficult" Eigen Factorization
CHMfactor-class CHOLMOD-based Cholesky Factorizations
Cholesky Cholesky Decomposition of a Sparse Matrix
Cholesky-class Cholesky and Bunch-Kaufman Decompositions
CsparseMatrix-class Class "CsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed Form
Diagonal 様々な'対角行列'を作る;Create Diagonal Matrix Object
Hilbert ヒルベルト行列を作る;Generate a Hilbert matrix
KNex Koenker-Ng Example Sparse Model Matrix and Response Vector
LU-class LU (dense) Matrix Decompositions
Matrix-class Virtual Class "Matrix" Class of Matrices
MatrixFactorization-class Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
RsparseMatrix-class Class "RsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed Form
Schur Schur Decomposition of a Matrix
Schur-class Class "Schur" of Schur Matrix Factorizations
SparseM-coerce-methods Sparse Matrix Coercion from and to those from package "SparseM"
TsparseMatrix-class Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form
USCounties USCounties Contiguity Matrix
[-methods Methods for "[": Extraction or Subsetting in Package 'Matrix'
[<--methods Methods for "[<-" - Assigning to Subsets for 'Matrix'
all-methods "Matrix" Methods for Functions all() and any()
all.equal-methods Matrix Methods for Function all.equal()
atomicVector-class Virtual Class "atomicVector" of Atomic Vectors
band Extract bands of a matrix
bandSparse Construct Sparse Banded Matrix from (Sup-/Super-) Diagonals
bdiag Construct a Block Diagonal Matrix
cBind Versions of 'cbind' and 'rbind' recursively built on cbind2/rbind2
chol Choleski Decomposition - 'Matrix' S4 Generic
chol2inv-methods Inverse from Choleski or QR Decomposition -- Matrix Methods
colSums Form Row and Column Sums and Means
compMatrix-class Class "compMatrix" of Composite (Factorizable) Matrices
contr.helmert Contrast Matrices, Optionally Sparse
dMatrix-class (Virtual) Class "dMatrix" of "double" Matrices
ddenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ddenseMatrix" of Numeric Dense Matrices
ddiMatrix-class Class "ddiMatrix" of Diagonal Numeric Matrices
denseMatrix-class Virtual Class "denseMatrix" of All Dense Matrices
dgCMatrix-class Compressed, sparse, column-oriented numeric matrices
dgRMatrix-class Sparse Compressed, Row-oriented Numeric Matrices
dgTMatrix-class Sparse matrices in triplet form
dgeMatrix-class Class "dgeMatrix" of Dense Numeric (S4 Class) Matrices
diagonalMatrix-class Class "diagonalMatrix" of Diagonal Matrices
dpoMatrix-class Positive Semi-definite Dense Numeric Matrices
drop0 Drop "Explicit Zeroes" from a Sparse Matrix
dsCMatrix-class Numeric Symmetric Sparse (column compressed) Matrices
dsRMatrix-class Symmetric Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
dsparseMatrix-class Virtual Class "dsparseMatrix" of Numeric Sparse Matrices
dsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Numeric Matrices
dtCMatrix-class Triangular, (compressed) sparse column matrices
dtRMatrix-class Triangular Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
dtpMatrix-class Packed triangular dense matrices
dtrMatrix-class Triangular, dense, numeric matrices
expand Expand a Decomposition into Factors
expm Matrix Exponential
facmul Multiplication by Decomposition Factors
forceSymmetric Force a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks
generalMatrix-class Class "generalMatrix" of General Matrices
iMatrix-class Virtual Classes Not Yet Really Implemented and Used
image-methods Methods for image() in Package 'Matrix'
index-class Virtual Class "index" - Simple Class for Matrix Indices
is.na-methods is.na() Methods for 'Matrix' Objects
isSymmetric-methods Methods for Function isSymmetric in Package 'Matrix'
kronecker-methods Methods for Function 'kronecker()' in Package 'Matrix'
ldenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ldenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
ldiMatrix-class Class "ldiMatrix" of Diagonal Logical Matrices
lgeMatrix-class Class "lgeMatrix" of General Dense Logical Matrices
lsparseMatrix-class Sparse logical matrices
lsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Logical Matrices
ltrMatrix-class Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
lu Triangular Decomposition of a Square Matrix
nMatrix-class Class "nMatrix" of Non-zero Pattern Matrices
ndenseMatrix-class Virtual Class "ndenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
nearPD Nearest Matrix to a Positive Definite Matrix
ngeMatrix-class Class "ngeMatrix" of General Dense Nonzero-pattern Matrices
nnzero The Number of Non-Zero Values of a Matrix
norm Matrix Norms
nsparseMatrix-class Sparse "pattern" Matrices
nsyMatrix-class Symmetric Dense Nonzero-Pattern Matrices
ntrMatrix-class Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
number-class Class "number" of Possibly Complex Numbers
pMatrix-class Permutation matrices
printSpMatrix Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly
qr-methods QR Decomposition -- S4 Methods and Generic
rankMatrix 行列の階数;Rank of a Matrix
rcond Estimate the Reciprocal Condition Number
readHB Read and write external matrix formats
replValue-class Virtual Class "replValue" - Simple Class for subassignment Values
spMatrix Sparse Matrix Constructor From Triplet
sparse.model.matrix Construct Sparse Design / Model Matrices
sparseLU-class Sparse LU decomposition of a square sparse matrix
sparseMatrix General Sparse Matrix Construction from Nonzero Entries
sparseMatrix-class Virtual Class "sparseMatrix" -- Mother of Sparse Matrices
sparseQR-class Sparse QR decomposition of a sparse matrix
sparseVector-class Sparse Vector Classes
symmetricMatrix-class Virtual Class of Symmetric Matrices in package:Matrix
symmpart Symmetric Part and Skew(symmetric) Part of a Matrix
tcrossprod Cross-product of transpose
triangularMatrix-class Virtual Class of Triangular Matrices in package:Matrix
unpack Full Storage Representation of Packed Matrices
xtabs Cross Tabulation, Optionally Sparse
Comparisons: Comparisons of Least Squares calculation speeds (source,
Design-issues: Design Issues in Matrix package Development (source,
Intro2Matrix: 2nd Introduction to the Matrix Package (source, pdf)
Introduction: Introduction to the Matrix Package (source, pdf)
sparseModels: Sparse Model Matrices (source, pdf)