#14 warning(paste("possible convergence problem: optim gave code=", res$convergence, res$message)) 「収束に関する問題の可能性: optim は以下のコードを与えました code=」 #26-28 warning(paste("using the", newn, "/", oldn , "rows from a combined fit")) msgid "using the" msgstr "... を使用" → "統合されたあてはめから" msgid "/" msgstr "/" msgid "rows from a combined fit" msgstr "結合された当てはめからの行です" → "行を使いました” 合成すると「統合されたあてはめから○○/○○行を使いました」 ○○は実行時の内容で置き換えられる部分を示す(以下同様) #37-38 stop( "Length of FUN, ", length( FUN ), ",\n does not match the length of the margins, ", n.sid ) msgid "Length of FUN," msgstr "FUN の長さ," → "FUN の長さ" msgid ",\n does not match the length of the margins," msgstr "、\n 周辺の長さと合致しません、" → "が,周辺の長さと合致しません。周辺の長さ=" 合成すると 「FUN の長さ○○が,周辺の長さと合致しません。周辺の長さ=○○" #41-42 stop(paste("cannot change frequency from", ofrequency, "to", nfrequency)) #59-60 stop(paste("There are", length(indError), "Error terms: only 1 is allowed")) #66-67 stop(paste("Each element of", substitute(contrasts.list), " must be\nlogical")) #150-151 stop(paste("Contrasts not defined for", n - 1, "degrees of freedom")) #246 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for poisson", "family; available links are", '"identity", "log" and "sqrt"')) 注:「[linktempの内容]リンク」となるわけだ だから,「リンクは,ポアソンファミリには利用できません。利用できるリンクは。。。。。」となるのだろう。先頭の「リンク」には,リンクの名前が付く。 #250 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for gaussian", "family, available links are \"inverse\", ", "\"log\" and \"identity\"")) #246 と同じく,「リンクは正規ファミリには利用できません。。。」 #251 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for binomial", "family, available links are \"logit\", ", "\"probit\", \"cloglog\" and \"log\"")) 同じく,「リンクは二項ファミリには利用できません。。。」 #255-256 stop(paste("For the binomial family, y must be", "a vector of 0 and 1\'s or a 2 column", "matrix where col 1 is no. successes", "and col 2 is no. failures")) 注:本来このような,文字列を[,]で区切ったものは一つの文字列に合成されるはずだが,このメッセージは二つにぶった切られている。理由は,このメッセージの後半が,#258 の後半と同じなので再利用するつもりだ。 #257 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for quasibinomial", "family, available links are \"logit\", ", "\"probit\" and \"cloglog\"")) #246 と同じく「リンクは疑似二項ファミリには利用できません。。。」 #258 stop(paste("For the quasibinomial family, y must be", "a vector of 0 and 1\'s or a 2 column", "matrix where col 1 is no. successes", "and col 2 is no. failures")) #255 参照 #259 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for gamma", "family, available links are \"inverse\", ", "\"log\" and \"identity\"")) #246 と同じく,「リンクはガンマファミリには利用できません。。。」 #261 stop(paste(linktemp, "link not available for inverse gauss", "family, available links are \"inverse\", ", "\"1/mu^2\" \"log\" and \"identity\"")) #246 と同じく,「リンクは逆正規ファミリには利用できません。。。」 #263 stop(paste(variancetemp, "not recognised, possible variances", 'are "mu(1-mu)", "mu", "mu^2", "mu^3" and "constant"')) 「は認識されませんでした。。。」先頭に,variancetemp の内容(文字列が付く) #304-306 stop("Number of offsets is ", length(offset), ", should equal ", NROW(Y), " (number of observations)") #312-313 stop("Length of start should equal ", nvars, " and correspond to initial coefs for ", deparse(xnames)) #320-322 stop("X matrix has rank ", fit$rank, " but only ", nobs, " observations") #332 warning("The following arguments to anova.glm(..) are invalid and dropped: ", paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse=", ")) #334-336 warning("Models with response ", deparse(responses[!sameresp]), " removed because response differs from ", "model 1") #338-339 warning("observations with zero weight ", "not used for calculating dispersion") msgid "observations with zero weight" msgstr "重みゼロを持つ観測値は,"  修正 msgid "not used for calculating dispersion" msgstr "偏差(dispersion)の計算には使用されません"  修正 #347-349 stop(paste("argument", sQuote("x"), "cannot be coerced to class", dQuote("hclust")), if(!is.null(oldClass(x))) "\n Consider providing an as.hclust.",oldClass(x)[1],"() method") #389 では %d が使われているが R 2.0.1 では以下のようになっているのだがなぁ stop("Number of offsets is ", length(offset), ", should equal ", NROW(y), " (number of observations)") #334-336 warning("Models with response ", deparse(responses[!sameresp]), " removed because response differs from ", "model 1") #425-428 stop(paste("X matrix has", nrx, "responses, Y", "has", nry, "responses.")) #431-432 stop(paste("Number of weights =", nwts, ", should equal", nry, "(number of responses)")) #461-465 stop(paste("variable", sQuote(names(old)[wrong]), "was fitted with", old[wrong], "but", new[wrong], "was supplied"), call.=FALSE) #466 R 2.0.1 とちょと違う stop(paste("variables", paste(sQuote(names(old)[wrong]), collapse=", "), "were specified differently from the fit"), call.=FALSE) 変数○○(#240?)というのがこの前に付く。 #468-469 warning(paste("'newdata' had", nr, "rows but variable(s) found have", nr2, "rows"), call.=FALSE) #498-499 stop(paste("Formula", deparse(as.vector(object)), "must be of the form \"~expr.\"")) #500 stop(paste(substitute(object), "cannot be of mode", mode(object))) #554-555 warning("Some constant variables (", paste(names(rval)[!really.constant],collapse = ","), ") are really varying") #557 warning("k must be odd! Changing k to ", k <- as.integer(1+ 2*(k %/% 2))) こって訳すなら,「k は奇数でなければならないので k を変更します。k = 」かなぁ #558 warning("k is bigger than n! Changing k to ", k <- as.integer(1+ 2*((n - 1)%/% 2))) こって訳すなら,「k が n より大きいので k を変更します。k = 」かなぁ