OS:Apple MacOSX 10.5.7 HARD:MacBook Core2Duo2G RAM:2G R2.9.0 R Benchmark 2.5 =============== Number of times each test is run__________________________: 3 I. Matrix calculation --------------------- Creation, transp., deformation of a 2500x2500 matrix (sec): 1.41766666666668 2400x2400 normal distributed random matrix ^1000____ (sec): 1.31433333333334 Sorting of 7,000,000 random values__________________ (sec): 1.35366666666667 2800x2800 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a)_________ (sec): 2.68499999999999 Linear regr. over a 3000x3000 matrix (c = a \ b')___ (sec): 1.81133333333332 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.51482133804671 II. Matrix functions -------------------- FFT over 2,400,000 random values____________________ (sec): 1.47433333333334 Eigenvalues of a 640x640 random matrix______________ (sec): 1.58666666666667 Determinant of a 2500x2500 random matrix____________ (sec): 1.86833333333333 Cholesky decomposition of a 3000x3000 matrix________ (sec): 1.92333333333334 Inverse of a 1600x1600 random matrix________________ (sec): 2.01633333333334 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.78648019606598 III. Programmation ------------------ 3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc)(sec): 1.87766666666667 Creation of a 3000x3000 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): 1.42666666666668 Grand common divisors of 400,000 pairs (recursion)__ (sec): 1.68166666666667 Creation of a 500x500 Toeplitz matrix (loops)_______ (sec): 2.16100000000001 Escoufier's method on a 45x45 matrix (mixed)________ (sec): 1.60599999999999 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.71804545958027 Total time for all 15 tests_________________________ (sec): 26.2040000000000 Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/3)_ (sec): 1.66903236019269 --- End of test --- REvolution R R Benchmark 2.5 =============== Number of times each test is run__________________________: 3 I. Matrix calculation --------------------- Creation, transp., deformation of a 2500x2500 matrix (sec): 1.39400000000001 2400x2400 normal distributed random matrix ^1000____ (sec): 1.29600000000001 Sorting of 7,000,000 random values__________________ (sec): 1.29166666666669 2800x2800 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a)_________ (sec): 2.28066666666668 Linear regr. over a 3000x3000 matrix (c = a \ b')___ (sec): 1.40066666666667 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.36270188357167 II. Matrix functions -------------------- FFT over 2,400,000 random values____________________ (sec): 1.411 Eigenvalues of a 640x640 random matrix______________ (sec): 1.08333333333331 Determinant of a 2500x2500 random matrix____________ (sec): 1.38433333333334 Cholesky decomposition of a 3000x3000 matrix________ (sec): 1.34733333333332 Inverse of a 1600x1600 random matrix________________ (sec): 1.42366666666667 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.38064147260564 III. Programmation ------------------ 3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc)(sec): 1.66766666666664 Creation of a 3000x3000 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): 1.37533333333333 Grand common divisors of 400,000 pairs (recursion)__ (sec): 1.63866666666668 Creation of a 500x500 Toeplitz matrix (loops)_______ (sec): 1.75166666666668 Escoufier's method on a 45x45 matrix (mixed)________ (sec): 1.93200000000002 -------------------------------------------- Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 1.68532544487111 Total time for all 15 tests_________________________ (sec): 22.6780000000001 Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/3)_ (sec): 1.46911293632701 --- End of test ---