



以下のような関数を定義しておけば,base の統計的検定関数(htest クラスを持つもの)の結果を日本語で表示できます(^_^;)



* 関数

 print.htest <- function (x, digits = 4, quote = TRUE, prefix = "", ...) 
     conv1 <- function(x) ##### 検定の名称
 #     	print(x)
 	if(any(grep("[0-9]+-sample test for equality of proportions without continuity correction", x))) {
 		x <- "割合の一様性の検定(連続性の補正なし)"
     	else if(any(grep("[0-9]+-sample proportions test without continuity correction", x))) {
 		x <- "割合の検定(連続性の補正なし)"
     	else if (x == "Box-Pierce test") { # Box.test
     		x <- "Box-Pierce検定"
     	else if (x == "Box-Ljung test") {
     		x <- "Box-Ljung検定"
     	else if (x == "Phillips-Perron Unit Root Test") { # PP.test
     		x <- "Phillips-Perronの単位根検定"
     	else if (x == "Ansari-Bradley test") { # ansari.test
     		x <- "アンサリ・ブラドレイ検定"
      	else if (x == "Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances") { # bartlett.tes
     		x <- "分散の一様性の検定(バートレット検定)"
    	else if (x == "Exact binomial test") { # binom.test
     		x <- "二項検定"
     	else if (x == "Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction") { # chisq.test
     		x <- "ピアソンのカイ二乗検定(イエーツの連続性補正)"
      	else if (x == "Pearson's Chi-squared test") { # chisq.test
     		x <- "ピアソンのカイ二乗検定(連続性補正なし)"
    	else if (x == "Chi-squared test for given probabilities") { # chisq.test
     		x <- "理論比が与えられたときのカイ二乗検定(適合度検定)"
     	else if (x == "Pearson's product-moment correlation") { # cor.test
     		x <- "ピアソンの積率相関係数"
     	else if (x == "Spearman's rank correlation rho") { # cor.test
     		x <- "スピアマンの順位相関係数"
     	else if (x == "Kendall's rank correlation tau") { # cor.test
     		x <- "ケンドールの順位相関係数"
     	else if (x == "Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data") { # fisher.test
     		x <- "計数データにおけるフィッシャーの正確確率検定"
     	else if (x == "Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances") { # fligner.test
     		x <- "分散の一様性の検定(Fligner-Killeen検定)"
     	else if (x == "Friedman rank sum test") { # fredman.test
     		x <- "フリードマン検定"
     	else if (x == "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test") { # kruskal.test
     		x <- "クラスカル・ウォリス検定"
     	else if (x == "Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test") { # ks.test
     		x <- "二標本コルモゴロフ・スミルノフ検定"
     	else if (x == "One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test") { # ks.test
     		x <- "一標本コルモゴロフ・スミルノフ検定"
     	else if (x == "Mantel-Haenszel chi-squared test with continuity correction") { # mantelhaen.test
     		x <- "マンテル・ヘンツェルのカイ二乗検定(連続性の補正)"
     	else if (x == "Exact conditional test of independence in 2 x 2 x k tables") { # mantelhaen.test
     		x <- "2 x 2 x k 分割表における条件付き独立性の正確検定"
     	else if (x == "Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test") { # mantelhaen.test
     		x <- "コクラン・マンテル・ヘンツェル検定"
     	else if (x == "McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction") { # mcnemar.test
     		x <- "マクネマー検定(連続性の補正)"
     	else if (x == "Mood two-sample test of scale") { # mood.test
     		x <- "尺度についての二標本ムード検定"
      	else if (x == "One-way analysis of means") { # oneway.test
     		x <- "一元配置分散分析"
      	else if (x == "One-way analysis of means (not assuming equal variances)") { # oneway.test
     		x <- "一元配置分散分析(等分散を仮定しない場合)"
      	else if (x == "Chi-squared Test for Trend in Proportions") { # prop.trend.test
     		x <- "割合の傾向についてのカイ二乗検定(傾向検定)"
      	else if (x == "Quade test") { # quade.test
     		x <- "Quade検定"
      	else if (x == "Shapiro-Wilk normality test") { # shapiro.test
     		x <- "シャピロ・ウィルクの正規性検定"
     	else if (x == "Welch Two Sample t-test") { # t.test
     		x <- "二標本t検定(Welchの方法)"
     	else if (x ==" Two Sample t-test") { # t.test
     		x <- "二標本t検定(分散が等しいと仮定できるとき)"
     	else if (x == "One Sample t-test") { # t.test
     		x <- "一標本t検定(母平均の検定)"
     	else if (x == "Paired t-test") { # t.test
     		x <- "対応のある場合のt検定"
     	else if (x == "F test to compare two variances") { # var.test
     		x <- "二群の等分散性の検定"
     	else if (x == "Wilcoxon signed rank test") { # wilcox.test
     		x <- "ウィルコクソンの符号付順位和検定"
     	else if (x == "Wilcoxon rank sum test") { # wilcox.test
     		x <- "ウィルコクソンの順位和検定(マン・ホイットニーのU検定)"
     	else if (x == "Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction") { # wilcox.test
     		x <- "ウィルコクソンの順位和検定(連続性の補正)"
     	else if (x == "Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction") { # wilcox.test
     		x <- "ウィルコクソンの符号付順位和検定(連続性の補正)"
     conv2 <- function(x)
     	if (length(x) == 2) {
     		if (x[1] == "num df") {
     			x[1] <- "第1自由度"
     		if (x[2] == "denom df") {
     			x[2] <- "第2自由度"
     	else if (x == "df") {
     		x <- "自由度"
     	else if (x == "Truncation lag parameter") {
     		x <- "切り捨てラグ・パラメータ"
     	else if (x == "number of trials") {
     		x <- "試行数"
     conv3 <- function(x) ##### 検定対象の名前
     	if (x =="difference in means") {
     		x <- "母平均の差"
     	else if (x == "mean") {
     		x <- "母平均"
     	else if (x == "mu") {
     		x <- "母平均"
     	else if (x == "correlation") {
     		x <- "母相関"
     	else if (x == "rho") {
     		x <- "母相関(ρ)"
     	else if (x == "tau") {
     		x <- "母相関(τ)"
     	else if (x == "probability of success") {
     		x <- "成功確率(母比率)"
     	else if (x == "ratio of scales") {
     		x <- "尺度の比"
     	else if (x == "common odds ratio") {
     		x <- "共通オッズ比"
     	else if (x == "odds ratio") {
     		x <- "オッズ比"
     	else if (x == "ratio of variances") {
     		x <- "分散比"
     conv4 <- function(x) ##### 推定値の名前
     	names(x) <- sub("mean of the differences", "差の平均値", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("mean of ", "平均値", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("prop ", "割合", names(x))
      	if (any(grep("mean in group [0-9]+", names(x)[1]))) {
     		names(x) <- paste("グループ", 1:length(x), "の平均値", sep="")
     	names(x) <- sub("cor", "相関係数", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("rho", "ρ", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("tau", "τ", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("probability of success", "成功確率(母比率)", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("ratio of scales", "尺度の比", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("common odds ratio", "共通オッズ比", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("odds ratio", "オッズ比", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("ratio of variances", "分散比", names(x))
     	names(x) <- sub("difference in location", "位置母数の差", names(x))
     conv5 <- function(x)
     	if (any(grep(" and ", x))) {
     		return(gsub(" and ", " と ", x))
     	else if (any(grep(" by ", x))) {
     		y <- unlist(strsplit(x, " "))
     		return(paste(y[1], "を", y[3], "で層別"))
     	else if (any(grep("null probability", x))) {
     		return(gsub("null probability", "帰無仮説における母比率", x))
     	else if (any(grep("using scores", x))) {
     		return(gsub("using scores", "使用したスコア", x))
     	else {
     conv6 <- function(x) ##### 検定統計量の名前 STATISTIC
     	if (x == "X-squared") {
     		x <- "カイ二乗値"
     	else if (x == "t") {
     		x <- "t値"
     	else if (x == "Z") {
     		x <- "Z値"
     	else if (x == "Bartlett's K-squared") {
     		x <- "バートレットのK二乗値"
     	else if (x == "number of successes") {
     		x <- "成功数"
     	else if (x == "Friedman chi-squared") {
     		x <- "フリードマンのカイ二乗値"
     	else if (x == "Mantel-Haenszel X-squared") {
     		x <- "マンテル・ヘンツェルのカイ二乗値"
     	else if (x == "Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel M^2") {
     		x <- "コクラン・マンテル・ヘンツェルのM二乗値"
     	else if (x == "Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared") {
     		x <- "Fligner-Killeenのカイ二乗値"
     	else if (x == "Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared") {
     		x <- "クラスカル・ウォリスのカイ二乗値"
     	else if (x == "McNemar's chi-squared") {
     		x <- "マクネマーのカイ二乗値"
   #  cat("\n")
     cat("データ: ", conv5(x$data.name), "\n")
     out <- character()
     if (!is.null(x$statistic))
         out <- c(out, paste(conv6(names(x$statistic)), "=", format(round(x$statistic, 
     if (!is.null(x$parameter))
         out <- c(out, paste(conv2(names(x$parameter)), "=", format(round(x$parameter, 
     if (!is.null(x$p.value)) {
         fp <- format.pval(x$p.value, digits = digits)
         out <- c(out, paste("P値", if (substr(fp, 1, 1) == 
             "<") fp else paste("=", fp)))
     writeLines(strwrap(paste(out, collapse = ", ")))
     if (!is.null(x$alternative)) {
         cat("対立仮説: ")
         if (!is.null(x$null.value)) {
             if (length(x$null.value) == 1) {
                 alt.char <- switch(x$alternative, two.sided = "ではない", 
                   less = "より小さい", greater = "より大きい")
                 cat(conv3(names(x$null.value)), "は,", x$null.value, alt.char, 
                   "\n", sep="")
             else {
                 cat(x$alternative, "\nnull values:\n")
                 print(x$null.value, ...)
         else {
         	alt.char <- switch(x$alternative, two.sided = "両側検定(等しい)", 
         	alt.char <- switch(x$alternative, two.sided = "等しくない", 
                   less = "小さい", greater = "大きい")
         	cat(alt.char, "\n")
     if (!is.null(x$conf.int)) {
         cat(format(100 * attr(x$conf.int, "conf.level")), "パーセント信頼区間: ", 
             format(c(x$conf.int[1], x$conf.int[2])), "\n")
     if (!is.null(x$estimate)) {
         cat("標本推定値: \n")
         names(x$estimate) <- conv4(x$estimate)
         print(x$estimate, ...)

* 応用例

 t.test(rnorm(10), rnorm(14, mean=0.6))
 二標本 t 検定(Welchの方法)
 データ:  rnorm(10) と rnorm(14, mean = 0.6) 
 t = -1.2367, 自由度 = 19.745, P 値 = 0.2307
 対立仮説: 母平均の差は,0ではない
 95パーセント信頼区間: -1.2538991 0.3209893
        平均値x        平均値y 
 -0.01261903  0.45383583
 t.test(rnorm(100, mean=0.5))
 一標本 t 検定(母平均の検定)
 データ:  rnorm(100, mean = 0.5) 
 t = 5.2999, 自由度 = 99, P 値 = 7.037e-07
 対立仮説: 母平均は,0ではない
 95パーセント信頼区間: 0.3507048 0.7704521

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