パッケージ 'grid' の情報 
 Package:       grid
 Version:       2.10.0
 Priority:      base
 Title:         The Grid Graphics Package
 Author:        Paul Murrell <paul@stat.auckland.ac.nz>
 Maintainer:    R Core Team <R-core@r-project.org>
 Description:   A rewrite of the graphics layout capabilities, plus some
                support for interaction
 Imports:       grDevices
 Suggests:      lattice
 License:       Part of R 2.10.0
 Built:         R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
                06:24:39 UTC; unix
 Grid                    Grid Graphics
 absolute.size           Absolute Size of a Grob
 arrow                   Describe arrows to add to a line.
 convertNative           Convert a Unit Object to Native units
 current.viewport        Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree)
 dataViewport            Create a Viewport with Scales based on Data
 drawDetails             Customising grid Drawing
 editDetails             Customising grid Editing
 gEdit                   Create and Apply Edit Objects
 gPath                   Concatenate Grob Names
 getNames                List the names of grobs on the display list
 gpar                    Handling Grid Graphical Parameters
 grid-package            The Grid Graphics Package
 grid.add                Add a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.arrows             矢印を描く;Draw Arrows
 grid.circle             円を描く;Draw a Circle
 grid.clip               クリピング領域を設定する;Set the Clipping Region
 grid.collection         Create a Coherent Group of Grid Graphical Objects
 grid.convert            Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems
 grid.copy               Make a Copy of a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.curve              ロケーションを結ぶ曲線を描く;Draw a Curve Between Locations
 grid.display.list       Control the Grid Display List
 grid.draw               Draw a grid grob
 grid.edit               Edit the Description of a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.frame              Create a Frame for Packing Objects
 grid.get                Get a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.grab               Grab the current grid output
 grid.grill              Draw a Grill
 grid.grob               Create a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.layout             グリッドレイアウトを作成する;Create a Grid Layout
 grid.lines              グリッドビューポートに線を描く;Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
 grid.locator            マウスクリックを捕らえる;Capture a Mouse Click
 grid.ls                 List the names of grobs or viewports
 grid.move.to            Move or Draw to a Specified Position
 grid.newpage            Move to a New Page on a Grid Device
 grid.null               Null Graphical Object
 grid.pack               Pack an Object within a Frame
 grid.place              Place an Object within a Frame
 grid.plot.and.legend    A Simple Plot and Legend Demo
 grid.points             Draw Data Symbols
 grid.polygon            多角形を描く;Draw a Polygon
 grid.pretty             Generate a Sensible Set of Breakpoints
 grid.prompt             アラらしいページを始める前にプロンプトを出す;Prompt before New Page
 grid.record             Encapsulate calculations and drawing
 grid.rect               長方形を描く;Draw rectangles
 grid.refresh            現在のグリッド画面をクリアする;Refresh the current grid scene
 grid.remove             グラフィックオブジェクトを取り除く;Remove a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.segments           線分を描く;Draw Line Segments
 grid.set                Set a Grid Graphical Object
 grid.show.layout        Draw a Diagram of a Grid Layout
 grid.show.viewport      Draw a Diagram of a Grid Viewport
 grid.text               文章を描く;Draw Text
 grid.xaxis              X軸を描く;Draw an X-Axis
 grid.xspline            Draw an Xspline
 grid.yaxis              Y軸を描く;Draw a Y-Axis
 grobName                Generate a Name for a Grob
 grobWidth               Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob
 grobX                   Create a Unit Describing a Grob Boundary Location
 plotViewport            Create a Viewport with a Standard Plot Layout
 pop.viewport            Pop a Viewport off the Grid Viewport Stack
 push.viewport           Push a Viewport onto the Grid Viewport Stack
 pushViewport            Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree
 roundrect               角の丸い長方形を描く;Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
 showViewport            Display grid viewports.
 stringWidth             Create a Unit Describing the Width of a String
 unit                    Function to Create a Unit Object
 unit.c                  Combine Unit Objects
 unit.length             Length of a Unit Object
 unit.pmin               Parallel Unit Minima and Maxima
 unit.rep                Replicate Elements of Unit Objects
 valid.just              Validate a Justification
 validDetails            Customising grid grob Validation
 viewport                グリッド・ビューポートを作成する;Create a Grid Viewport
 vpPath                  ビューポート名を作成する;Concatenate Viewport Names
 widthDetails            Width and Height of a grid grob
 xDetails                Boundary of a grid grob
 displaylist: Display Lists in grid (source)
 frame: Frames and packing grobs (source)
 grid: Introduction to grid (source)
 grobs: Working with grid grobs (source)
 interactive: Editing grid Graphics (source)
 locndimn: Locations versus Dimensions (source)
 moveline: Demonstrating move-to and line-to (source)
 nonfinite: Non-finite values (source)
 plotexample: Writing grid Code (source)
 rotated: Rotated Viewports (source)
 saveload: Persistent representations (source)
 sharing: Modifying multiple grobs simultaneously (source)
 viewports: Working with viewports (source)

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