*COLOR(red){bayesm}パッケージ(マーケティング/マイクロ計量経済学のベイズ推定)中のオブジェクト一覧 [#l7759dd5]

Package:       bayesm

Version:       2.1-3

Date:          2007-03-28

Title:         Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-econometrics


|Scotch|                  Survey Data on Brands of Scotch Consumed|
|bank|                    Bank Card Conjoint Data of Allenby and Ginter (1995)|
|breg|                    Posterior Draws from a Univariate Regression with Unit Error Variance|
|cgetC|                   Obtain A List of Cut-offs for Scale Usage Problems|
|cheese|                  スライスチーズのデータ|
|clusterMix|              Cluster Observations Based on Indicator MCMC Draws|
|condMom|                 Computes Conditional Mean/Var of One Element of MVN given All Others|
|createX|                 多項ロジットおよびプロビットルーチンで使用する X マトリックスの計算|
|customerSat|             顧客満足度データ|
|detailing|               Physician Detailing Data from Manchanda et al (2004)|
|eMixMargDen|             Compute Marginal Densities of A Normal Mixture Averaged over MCMC Draws|
|fsh|                     Flush Console Buffer|
|ghkvec|                  Compute GHK approximation to Multivariate Normal Integrals|
|llmnl|                   多項ロジットモデルの対数尤度の評価|
|llmnp|                    多項プロビットモデルの対数尤度の評価|
|llnhlogit|               Evaluate Log Likelihood for non-homothetic Logit Model|
|lndIChisq|               Compute Log of Inverted Chi-Squared Density|
|lndIWishart|             Compute Log of Inverted Wishart Density|
|lndMvn|                  Compute Log of Multivariate Normal Density|
|lndMvst|                 Compute Log of Multivariate Student-t Density|
|logMargDenNR|            Compute Log Marginal Density Using Newton-Raftery Approx|
|margarine|               Household Panel Data on Margarine Purchases|
|mixDen|                  Compute Marginal Density for Multivariate Normal Mixture|
|mixDenBi|                Compute Bivariate Marginal Density for a Normal Mixture|
|mnlHess|                 Computes -Expected Hessian for Multinomial Logit|
|mnpProb|                 Compute MNP Probabilities|
|momMix|                  Compute Posterior Expectation of Normal Mixture Model Moments|
|nmat|                    Convert Covariance Matrix to a Correlation Matrix|
|numEff|                  Compute Numerical Standard Error and Relative Numerical Efficiency|
|orangeJuice|             Store-level Panel Data on Orange Juice Sales|
|plot.bayesm.hcoef|       Plot Method for Hierarchical Model Coefs|
|plot.bayesm.mat|         Plot Method for Arrays of MCMC Draws|
|plot.bayesm.nmix|        Plot Method for MCMC Draws of Normal Mixtures|
|rbiNormGibbs|            Illustrate Bivariate Normal Gibbs Sampler|
|rbprobitGibbs|           Gibbs Sampler (Albert and Chib) for Binary Probit|
|rdirichlet|              Draw From Dirichlet Distribution|
|rhierBinLogit|           MCMC Algorithm for Hierarchical Binary Logit|
|rhierLinearMixture|      Gibbs Sampler for Hierarchical Linear Model|
|rhierLinearModel|        Gibbs Sampler for Hierarchical Linear Model|
|rhierMnlRwMixture|       MCMC Algorithm for Hierarchical Multinomial Logit with Mixture of Normals Heterogeneity|
|rhierNegbinRw|           負の二項回帰の MCMC アルゴリズム|
|rivGibbs|                Gibbs Sampler for Linear "IV" Model|
|rmixGibbs|               Gibbs Sampler for Normal Mixtures w/o Error Checking|
|rmixture|                Draw from Mixture of Normals|
|rmnlIndepMetrop|         MCMC Algorithm for Multinomial Logit Model|
|rmnpGibbs|               Gibbs Sampler for Multinomial Probit|
|rmultireg|               Draw from the Posterior of a Multivariate Regression|
|rmvpGibbs|               Gibbs Sampler for Multivariate Probit|
|rmvst|                   Draw from Multivariate Student-t|
|rnegbinRw|               MCMC Algorithm for Negative Binomial Regression|
|rnmixGibbs|              Gibbs Sampler for Normal Mixtures|
|rordprobitGibbs|         Gibbs Sampler for Ordered Probit|
|rscaleUsage|             MCMC Algorithm for Multivariate Ordinal Data with Scale Usage Heterogeneity|
|rsurGibbs|               Gibbs Sampler for Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR)|
|rtrun|                   Draw from Truncated Univariate Normal|
|runireg|                 IID Sampler for Univariate Regression|
|runiregGibbs|            単変量回帰の Gibbs サンプラ|
|rwishart|                Draw from Wishart and Inverted Wishart Distribution|
|simnhlogit|              Simulate from Non-homothetic Logit Model|
|summary.bayesm.mat|      Summarize Mcmc Parameter Draws|
|summary.bayesm.nmix|     Summarize Draws of Normal Mixture Components|
|summary.bayesm.var|      Summarize Draws of Var-Cov Matrices|
|tuna|                    ツナ缶の売り上げデータ|

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