[[RKML]] from Omegahat



*Title: Simple tools for creating KML displays from R [#b4708191]
*Description: [#z6cdeff0]
  This is a collection of some general 
  and quite simple facilities for creating KML content 
  to display in Google Earth from R. 
  This provides a formula mechanism for identifying longitude
  and latitude, time and groups.
  The intent of the package is to illustrate how we can programmatically
  generate KML content from within R. There are many more things we can do
  including placing plots generated in R in KML displays. This is more a "proof of concept"
  and a start for others to build upon.
*Note: [#jcd50ef6]
   This is an interface that uses the XML package and creates the
   KML content directly in R. One can also use the C++ library
*Depends: [#j8e0f222]
 XML, methods

*コメント [#ibfa2fe2]
- plotKML@CRAN と比べるとどうでしょうか? --  &new{2012-09-22 (土) 17:17:48};


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