*COLOR(red){MCMCpack}(マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ)パッケージ中のオブジェクト一覧 [#s8c88fca]

Version:       0.8-1
Date:          2007-1-11
Version:       1.0-1
Date:          2009-6-29

|BayesFactor|MCMCpack 出力のための BayesFactor クラスのオブジェクト作成|
|choicevar|               Handle Choice-Specific Covariates in Multinomial Choice Models|
|Dirichlet|               ディリクレ分布|
|dtomogplot|              Dynamic Tomography Plot|
|InvGamma|                逆ガンマ分布|
|InvWishart|              逆ウィシャート分布|
|MCbinomialbeta|          Monte Carlo Simulation from a Binomial Likelihood with a Beta Prior|
|MCMCSVDreg|              SVD 回帰のマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCdynamicEI|           Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Quinn の動的生態学推論モデルのためのマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCdynamicIRT1d| Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Dynamic One Dimensional Item Response Theory Model|
|MCMCfactanal|            Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Normal Theory Factor Analysis Model|
|MCMChierEI|              Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Wakefield's Hierarchial Ecological Inference Model|
|MCMChierEI|              Wakefield の階層型生態学推論モデルのためのマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCirt1d|               Markov Chain Monte Carlo for One Dimensional Item Response Theory Model|
|MCMCirtHier1d| Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Hierarchical One Dimensional Item Response Theory Model, Covariates Predicting Latent Ideal Point(Ability)|
|MCMCirtKd|               Markov Chain Monte Carlo for K-Dimensional Item Response Theory Model|
|MCMCirtKdRob|            Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Robust K-Dimensional Item Response Theory Model|
|MCMClogit|               ロジスティック回帰のマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCmetrop1R|           ユーザ作成の関数の Metropolis サンプリング|
|MCMCmixfactanal|         Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Mixed Data Factor Analysis Model|
|MCMCmnl|                 多項ロジスティック回帰のマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCoprobit|             Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Ordered Probit Regression|
|MCMCordfactanal|         Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Ordinal Data Factor Analysis Model|
|MCMCpanel|               一般化線形パネルモデルのマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
//|MCMCpanel|               一般化線形パネルモデルのマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCpoisson|             ポアソン回帰のマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCpoissonChangepoint| Markov Chain Monte Carlo for a Poisson Multiple Changepoint Model|
|MCMCprobit|              プロビット回帰のマルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ|
|MCMCregress|             Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Gaussian Linear Regression|
|MCMCtobit|               Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Gaussian Linear Regression with a Censored Dependent Variable|
|MCbinomialbeta|          Monte Carlo Simulation from a Binomial Likelihood with a Beta Prior|
|MCmultinomdirichlet|     Monte Carlo Simulation from a Multinomial Likelihood with a Dirichlet Prior|
|MCnormalnormal|          Monte Carlo Simulation from a Normal Likelihood (with known variance) with a Normal Prior|
|MCpoissongamma|          Monte Carlo Simulation from a Poisson Likelihood with a Gamma Prior|
|Nethvote|                1989 年のオランダ投票行動|
|NoncenHypergeom|         The Noncentral Hypergeometric Distribution|
|PErisk|                  1987年の62か国の政治経済リスクデータ|
|plotChangepoint| Changepoint Location Plots|
|plotState| Changepoint State Plot|
//|plotPostChangepoint|     Changepoint Location Plots|
//|plotPostState|           Changepoint State Plot|
|PostProbMod|             Calculate Posterior Probability of Model|
|procrustes|              Procrustes Transformation|
|read.Scythe|            Scythe で出力したファイルからマトリックスを読み込む|
|Rehnquist| U.S. Supreme Court Vote Matrix, Rehnquist Court (1994-2004)|
|Senate|                  106th U.S. Senate Roll Call Vote Matrix|
|SupremeCourt|            アメリカ連邦最高裁の投票マトリックス|
|Wishart|                 The Wishart Distribution|
|choicevar|               Handle Choice-Specific Covariates in Multinomial Choice Models|
|dtomogplot|              Dynamic Tomography Plot|
|plotPostChangepoint|     Changepoint Location Plots|
|plotPostState|           Changepoint State Plot|
|procrustes|              Procrustes Transformation|
|read.Scythe|             Read a Matrix from a File written by Scythe|
|tomogplot|               Tomography Plot|
|vech|                    Extract Lower Triangular Elements from a Symmetric Matrix|
|vech| 対称行列からの下三角要素の抽出|
|Wishart|                Wishart 分布|
|write.Scythe|            Write a Matrix to a File to be Read by Scythe|
|xpnd|                    Expand a Vector into a Symmetric Matrix|

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