パッケージ 'cluster' の情報 
 Package:            cluster
 Version:            1.12.1
 Date:               2009-10-05
 Priority:           recommended
 Author:             Martin Maechler, based on S original by Peter
                     Rousseeuw <rousse@uia.ua.ac.be>,
                     Anja.Struyf@uia.ua.ac.be and
                     Mia.Hubert@uia.ua.ac.be, and initial R port by
 Maintainer:         Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
 Title:              Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al.
 Description:        Cluster Analysis, extended original from Peter
                     Rousseeuw, Anja Struyf and Mia Hubert.
 Depends:            R (>= 2.5.0), stats, graphics, utils
 LazyLoad:           yes
 LazyData:           yes
 License:            GPL (>= 2)
 Packaged:           2009-10-05 12:33:35 UTC; maechler
 Repository:         CRAN
 Date/Publication:   2009-10-06 09:33:05
 Built:              R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
                     06:25:07 UTC; unix
 agnes			Agglomerative Nesting
 clara			Clustering Large Applications
 daisy			Dissimilarity Matrix Calculation
 diana                   DIvisive ANAlysis Clustering
 fanny			Fuzzy Analysis Clustering
 mona			MONothetic Analysis Clustering of Binary Variables
 pam			Partitioning Around Medoids
 dissimilarity.object	非類似度行列オブジェクト;Dissimilarity Matrix Object
 partition.object	Partitioning Object
 twins.object		階層的クラスタリングオブジェクト;Hierarchical Clustering Object
 agnes.object		Agglomerative Nesting (AGNES) Object
 clara.object		Clustering Large Applications (CLARA) Object
 diana.object		Divisive Analysis (DIANA) Object
 fanny.object		Fuzzy Analysis (FANNY) Object
 mona.object		Monothetic Analysis (MONA) Object
 pam.object		Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) Object
 sizeDiss		Sample Size of Dissimilarity Like Object
 clusplot		クラスター・プロット(総称関数);Cluster Plot - Generic Function
 clusplot.default	Bivariate Cluster Plot (Clusplot) Default Method
 clusplot.partition	Bivariate Clusplot of a Partitioning Object
 coef.hclust		Agglomerative Coefficient for 'hclust' Objects
 pltree			Clustering Trees - Generic Function
 pltree.twins		Clustering Tree of a Hierarchical Clustering
 bannerplot		階層的クラスタリングのバナープロット;Plot Banner (of Hierarchical Clustering)
 silhouette		Compute or Extract Silhouette Information from Clustering
 ellipsoidhull		Compute the Ellipsoid Hull or Spanning Ellipsoid of a Point Set
 predict.ellipsoid	Predict Method for Ellipsoid Objects
 volume.ellipsoid	Compute the Volume of Planar Object
 lower.to.upper.tri.inds Permute Indices for Triangular Matrices
 plot.agnes		Plots of an Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
 plot.diana		Plots of a Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
 plot.mona		Banner of Monothetic Divisive Hierarchical Clusterings
 plot.partition		データセットのパーティッションのプロット;Plot of a Partition of the Data Set
 print.dissimilarity	非類似度行列のプリント・メソッドとサマリー・メソッド;Print and Summary Methods for Dissimilarity Objects
 print.agnes		AGNESオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for AGNES Objects
 print.clara		CLARAオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for CLARA Objects
 print.diana		DIANAオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for DIANA Objects
 print.fanny		FANNYオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for FANNY Objects
 print.mona		MONAオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for MONA Objects
 print.pam		PAMオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print Method for PAM Objects
 summary.agnes		'agnes'オブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for 'agnes' Objects
 summary.clara		'clara'オブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for 'clara' Objects
 summary.diana		'diana'オブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for 'diana' Objects
 summary.fanny		'fanny'オブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for 'fanny' Objects
 summary.mona		'mona'オブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for 'mona'  Objects
 summary.pam		PAMオブジェクトのサマリー・メソッド;Summary Method for PAM Objects
 cluster-internal	内部的なクラスター関数;Internal cluster functions
 agriculture		European Union Agricultural Workforces
 animals			Attributes of Animals
 flower			Flower Characteristics
 pluton			Isotopic Composition Plutonium Batches
 ruspini			Ruspini Data
 votes.repub		Votes for Republican Candidate in Presidential Elections
 xclara			Bivariate Data Set with 3 Clusters

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