パッケージ 'boot' の情報 
 Package:            boot
 Priority:           recommended
 Version:            1.2-40
 Date:               2009-10-07
 Author:             S original
                     by Angelo Canty <cantya@mcmaster.ca>. R port by
                     Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk>.
 Maintainer:         Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk>
 Description:        functions and datasets for bootstrapping from the
                     book "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications" by
                     A. C. Davison and D. V. Hinkley (1997, CUP).
 Title:              Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions (Canty)
 Depends:            R (>= 2.7.0), graphics, stats
 Suggests:           survival
 LazyLoad:           yes
 LazyData:           yes
 License:            Unlimited
 Packaged:           2009-10-07 08:40:33 UTC; ripley
 Repository:         CRAN
 Date/Publication:   2009-10-07 09:58:29
 Built:              R 2.10.0; ; 2009-10-13 06:25:07 UTC; unix
 Bootstrap S-Plus Functions  (Version 1.2; March 2001)
 This version corrects some minor errors in Version 1.0 of the code
 distributed with the first printing of Davison and Hinkley (1997).
 The author would like to thank those users who pointed out errors or
 possible improvements to the code.  Any further errors found should be
 reported to the author at the address below for correction in the
 next version.
 The package contains the following functions, all of which
 have online help available.
 boot		Main bootstrap function
 abc.ci		ABC confidence intervals
 boot		Main bootstrap function
 boot.array	Generate a bootstrap frequency/index array
 boot.ci		Bootstrap simulation confidence intervals
 censboot	Bootstrap for censored data and Cox regression models.
 control		Control variate calculations
 corr		Weighted form of correlation coefficient
 cum3		Estimate the skewness
 cv.glm		Cross-validation for generalized linear models
 empinf		Calculate empirical influence values
 envelope	Confidence envelopes for functions
 exp.tilt	Exponential tilting
 freq.array	Convert an index array into a frequency array
 glm.diag	Diagnostics for generalized linear models
 glm.diag.plots	Diagnostic plots for glm's
 imp.moments	Importance resampling estimates of moments
 imp.prob	Importance resampling estimates of probabilities
 imp.quantile	Importance resampling estimates of quantiles
 imp.weights	Weights for importance resampling
 inv.logit	Inverse logit function
 jack.after.boot	Jackknife after bootstrap plots
 k3.linear	Linear skewness approximation
 linear.approx	Linear approximation to a statistic
 lines.saddle.distn  Lines method for a saddlepoint distribution object
 logit		割合のロジット;Logit of a proportion
 norm.ci		Normal approximation confidence intervals
 plot.boot	bootstrapオブジェクトのプロット・メソッド;Plot method for a bootstrap object
 print.boot	bootstrapオブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print method for a bootstrap object
 print.bootci	bootstrap 信頼区間オブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print method for a bootstrap confidence interval object
 print.saddle.distn  Print method for a saddlepoint distribution object
 print.simplex	simplex オブジェクトのプリント・メソッド;Print method for a simplex object
 saddle		Simple and conditional saddlepoint calculations
 saddle.distn	Approximate a distribution by saddlepoint
 simplex		Tableau simplex method for linear programming
 smooth.f	Frequency smoothing
 tilt.boot	Tilted bootstrap
 tsboot		時系列データのブートストラップ;Bootstrap for time series
 var.linear	Linear variance approximation
 The package also contains some items used in the practicals of
 "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications" by A.C. Davison and D.V. Hinkley
 (1997, Cambridge University Press).  The objects are not intended to be used
 except in the context of these practicals.  The objects are
 cd4.nested	A nested bootstrap referred to in Practical 5.5
 corr.nested	The statistic used in cd4.nested
 EL.profile, EEF.profile, and lik.CI 
 	functions defined for use in the practicals of chapter 10.
 Angelo J. Canty
 Department of Mathematics and Statistics
 Concordia University
 1455 Blvd de Maisonneuve, Ouest
 Quebec H3G 1M8
 Tel : 1-514-848-3244
 Fax : 1-514-848-4511
 email : canty@cicma.concordia.ca

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