パッケージ 'lattice' の情報 
 Package:            lattice
 Version:            0.17-26
 Date:               2009/10/05
 Priority:           recommended
 Title:              Lattice Graphics
 Author:             Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar@r-project.org>
 Maintainer:         Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar@r-project.org>
 Description:        Implementation of Trellis Graphics. See ?Lattice
                     for a brief introduction
 Depends:            R (>= 2.5.0)
 Suggests:           grid, KernSmooth
 Imports:            grid, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils
 Enhances:           chron
 LazyLoad:           yes
 LazyData:           yes
 License:            GPL (>= 2)
 Packaged:           2009-10-04 19:52:55 UTC; dsarkar
 Repository:         CRAN
 Date/Publication:   2009-10-05 07:01:14
 Built:              R 2.10.0; universal-apple-darwin9.8.0; 2009-10-13
                     06:25:07 UTC; unix
 axis.default            Default axis annotation utilities
 banking                 Banking
 barchart.table          table methods for barchart and dotplot
 barley                  Yield data from a Minnesota barley trial
 cloud                   3d Scatter Plot and Wireframe Surface Plot
 current.row             Accessing Auxiliary Information During Plotting
 draw.colorkey           Produce a Colorkey for levelplot
 draw.key                Produce a Legend or Key
 environmental           Atmospheric environmental conditions in New York City
 equal.count             shingles
 ethanol                 Engine exhaust fumes from burning ethanol
 histogram               Histograms and Kernel Density Plots
 Lattice                 Lattice Graphics
 lattice.options         Low-level Options Controlling Behaviour of Lattice
 latticeParseFormula     Parse Trellis formula
 level.colors            A function to compute false colors representing a numeric or categorical variable
 levelplot               Level plots and contour plots
 llines                  Replacements of traditional graphics functions
 lset                    Interface to modify Trellis Settings - Deprecated
 make.groups             Grouped data from multiple vectors
 melanoma                Melanoma skin cancer incidence
 oneway                  Fit One-way Model
 packet.panel.default    Associating Packets with Panels
 panel.axis              Panel Function for Drawing Axis Ticks and Labels
 panel.barchart          Default Panel Function for barchart
 panel.bwplot            Default Panel Function for bwplot
 panel.cloud             Default Panel Function for cloud
 panel.densityplot       Default Panel Function for densityplot
 panel.dotplot           Default Panel Function for dotplot
 panel.functions         Useful Panel Functions
 panel.histogram         Default Panel Function for histogram
 panel.identify          Functions to Interact with Lattice Plots
 panel.levelplot         Default Panel Function for levelplot
 panel.pairs             Default Superpanel Function for splom
 panel.parallel          Default Panel Function for parallel
 panel.qqmath            Default Panel and Prepanel Function for qqmath
 panel.qqmathline        Useful panel function with qqmath
 panel.smoothScatter     Lattice panel function analogous to smoothScatter
 panel.stripplot         Default Panel Function for stripplot
 panel.superpose         Panel Function for Display Marked by groups
 panel.violin            Panel Function to create Violin Plots
 panel.xyplot            Default Panel Function for xyplot
 prepanel.default.bwplot Default Prepanel Functions
 prepanel.lmline         Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice
 print.trellis           Plot and Summarize Trellis Objects
 panel.identify          ラッティス・プロットでの対話的関数;Functions to Interact with Lattice Plots
 panel.levelplot         levelplotのためのデフォルトのpanel関数;Default Panel Function for levelplot
 panel.pairs             splomのためのデフォルトのsuperpanel関数;Default Superpanel Function for splom
 panel.parallel          parallelのためのデフォルトのpanel関数;Default Panel Function for parallel
 panel.qqmath            ggmathのためのデフォルトのpanel関数とprepanel関数;Default Panel and Prepanel Function for qqmath
 panel.qqmathline        ggmathの有用なpanel関数;Useful panel function with qqmath
 panel.smoothScatter     smoothScatter類似のラッティスpanel関数;Lattice panel function analogous to smoothScatter
 panel.stripplot         stripplotのためのデフォルトのpanel関数;Default Panel Function for stripplot
 panel.superpose         群ごとに記号を変えて表示するためのpanel関数;Panel Function for Display Marked by groups
 panel.violin            バイオリン・プロット(violin plot)作成のためのpanel関数;Panel Function to create Violin Plots
 panel.xyplot            xyplotのためのデフォルトのpanel関数;Default Panel Function for xyplot
 prepanel.default.bwplot デフォルトのprepanel関数;Default Prepanel Functions
 prepanel.lmline         ラティスの有用なprepanel関数;Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice
 print.trellis           トレリス・オブジェクトのプロットとサマライズ;Plot and Summarize Trellis Objects
 qq                      二標本のQ-Qプロット;Quantile-Quantile Plots of Two Samples
 qqmath                  理論分布付きのQ-Qプロット;Q-Q Plot with Theoretical Distribution
 rfs                     Residual and Fit Spread Plots
 Rows                    リストから行を抽出する;Extract rows from a list
 simpleKey               Function to generate a simple key
 simpleTheme             Function to generate a simple theme
 singer                  ニューヨーク・コーラス・ソサエティの歌手の身長;Heights of New York Choral Society singers
 splom                   散布図行列;Scatter Plot Matrices
 strip.default           デフォルトのトレリスsplit関数;Default Trellis Strip Function
 tmd                     テューキーの平均差プロット;Tukey Mean-Difference Plot
 trellis.device          トレリス表示の初期化;Initializing Trellis Displays
 trellis.object          トレリス・プロット・オブジェクト;A Trellis Plot Object
 trellis.par.get         トレリス表示のためのグラフィック・パラメーター;Graphical Parameters for Trellis Displays
 update.trellis          トレリス・オブジェクトの検索と更新;Retrieve and Update Trellis Object
 utilities.3d            三次元プロットのための関数;Utility functions for 3-D plots
 xyplot                  普通の二変量トレリス・プロット;Common Bivariate Trellis Plots

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